Silver Run Falls

Storm Damage

Storm Damage

It was quite a week here in SE Massachusetts. We had a Nor’easter blow through leaving thousands without power. Some places had winds over 100 miles per hour. And it’s still raining off and on so it’s slowed the clean up.  

Silver Run Falls

Silver Run FallsSilver Run Falls Trail

But Back to my North Carolina stories. I was not going to be discouraged.  The next morning I limped back to the car to search for the 2nd waterfall on my list- Silver Run Falls. Whitewater Falls was supposed to be in the same area. Maybe I could get a twofer.

I located the trail head to Silver Run Falls. There wasn’t much room to park, just a gravel shoulder at the side of the road. The trail was well marked but it started off down a hill. I knew this was going to hurt. It would hurt my knees going down and then it would be an uphill trek coming back out. I took a deep breath and took the plunge.

It wasn’t long until I could hear the falls but I couldn’t see it through all the foliage. Note to self- make the next trip later in the year after the leaves are off the trees.  
Just about when I was wondering how much longer my knees would hold up I saw a well made bridge ahead.  According to my directions I was getting close.



Silver Run Falls

The bridge was a brief respite  but then I was climbing the stairs at the end, The trail made a sharp turn to the right and then there were ROCKS! I wanted to cry. I could hear the roar of the falls but I couldn’t see it. There was a mine field of rocks to get over before I would reach a beach/sandy river bank. I’d come this far. I carefully placed my trekking poles and climbed over a couple of rocks. Just enough so I could see the falls. 

About that time a mother and her 4-5 year old came around the corner. The kid didn’t look twice at the rocks and just bounced over them to the sand bank. The young mother gave me a friendly hello as she easily followed her son to the water’s edge. 

I may have just been shown up by a 5 year old but at least I got a glimpse of the falls. 

Silver Run Falls



Cashier'sIngles at Cashier’s

Now that I was checked in it was time to think about food. I’d skipped lunch since I wanted to locate the resort. Now it was dinner time and my stomach made it known that it was time to eat. I hadn’t seen any fast food restaurants since Bevard. I had a list of local restaurants that I was given at check in but I was warned that it was hard to get seating. Most were still only open with limited seating due to COVID and getting help was also an issue. So I decided to check out Ingles, the local supermarket. 

That turned out to be a good choice. The local Ingles was better stocked than my Hannaford in Taunton! I ws able to pick up everything I needed for my dinner and breakfast and some snacks and soft drinks. They had a great salad bar that included cheese stuffed meatballs in sauce. 


Cashier'sLand of 100 Waterfalls

I’m in an area known as the land of 100 waterfalls. I knew what I was going to do this vacation. With  my camera batteries  fully charged I headed out to locate some of these waterfalls. Right away I knew I was going to have a problem. My left knee was pretty swollen and I was limping badly. It must have been because of all the walking in the airports yesterday. I made sure I had my trekking poles and decided to give it my best shot. I had a list of falls they gave me at check in. Each of the falls had directions and a description. 

Cashiers Sliding Rock

My first waterfall was Sliding Rock. The notes describe the falls as having swimming holes above and below the falls. Parking is on the gravel shoulder. I hoped to wade into the lower swimming hole and shoot the falls from  the bottom. The whole walk to the falls was only supposed to be 150 yards. 

The trail was clear but it was rough. I had to step over logs and downed branches. When I got to the falls the stairs down were cement blocks but they had been undercut and didn’t look too stable. From the prints it looked like most visitors went down the muddy bank rather than use the stairs. Unfortunately with my knees that didn’t seem like a good idea. I took my shot from the top of the bank. No matter how I tried the foliage blocked most of the falls.


The Sapphire Valley

Sapphire Valley

I was still climbing when I saw the sign “Entering Sapphire Valley- Registration 3 mile”. Is that my registration? I’m staying at Fairway Forest. Through the trees I began to see the groomed land of golf links. Ah, a lightbulb went off in my head. Fairway Forest- Fairway- golf! Turns out that golf is a big pastime on “The Mountain”. 

It’s customary for the concierge to contact you the week before your trip. They are trying to sign up up for your “Owner Update aka sales pitch” but they also have lots of information to share with you. This time they warned me to download the directions to check in from the website. Now as I weaved around another corner I slipped them out of my trip folder. 

Another twist and turn  and the road opened up and there was a sign for Fairway Forest Resort. It was on the wrong side of the road from my directions and nothing said registration but I made the turn anyway.


Fairway Forest Resort

At the top of a narrow road I made a right and looked down a one lane asphalt road. 4 Unit buildings split off to both the right and left giving each building a bit of privacy. I pulled into the first one and parked long enough to read the directions.  Apparently this was not the right place. I returned to the main road and continued toward Cahiers. Fairway Forest and the Sapphire Valley


I spotted an Ingles Grocery Store but my instructions were to NOT buy food until I had checked in. When I reached Cashiers I figured I’d gone too far and turned around. I drove the road back and forth between the resort and Cashiers several times without spotting the registration/check in. I had no cell service so I couldn’t call for help.  On about my 3rd pass I decided to stop in at Sapphire Valley Resorts Registration. The lady on the desk laughed and not only gave me directions but walked me to my car so she could point out the plaza where Diamond Resorts had it’s registration building. It was on the opposite side of the road from my directions. Clearly who ever wrote them did not know their left from their right. 

But I’d found it and gotten there in one piece. Registration was fast and easy. I was in Building 1 Unit 1312. I’d accidentally pulled into my building when I first stopped at the resort. They admitted that the directions I had were old and made a note to update the web page.  I headed back to the resort with a map. The amenities, club house, pool etc  was at still another  location but all I wanted to do right then was to get settled and check out my home away from home.  

My Home Away from Home

It looked nice. It looked big. It wasn’t sparkly new. The carpet inside was a bit worn but it was well kept up, clean and huge. Two levels. The master bedroom was on the lower level along with giant soaking tub/jacuzzi. There was a private deck for the master bedroom. 

Fairway Forest and the Sapphire Valley


Fairway Forest and the Sapphire Valley


On the main level was a bedroom with two twin beds, a full kitchen, combo living room dining room. I even had  a fireplace!  There was another bath off the bedroom And decks off both the living room and dining room. I loved the decks!


The washer and dryer was downstairs in the hall next to the master bedroom.

Thanks to my knees I settled into the main level bedroom. I’m used to twin beds .


Fairway Forest and the Sapphire Valley


Time to go grocery shopping!

The Road to Sapphire

The Road to SapphireAshville to Sapphire

Once I got headed in the right direction I left the road construction by the airport behind. RT 280 was a wide , well maintained highway. There was plenty of room for the crazy local drivers to pass. I could take my time and get acclimated to the drive. I felt pretty protected along this stretch because there was a church every mile or so.  Baptist, Methodist, 7 day Adventist, they were all there but not so many Catholic. All of the churches were large and well cared for. I knew I was in the “Bible Belt” but I had to wonder how a rural area like this could support so many churches so well. I guess the business of religion is very successful here. 

The Halfway Point- Brevard

My map said it was 45 miles from Ashville Airport to Sapphire but I felt like I had been driving a long time before I got to Brevard. Brevard was when the drive began to change to what I came to think of  as the half way point. Brevard is a little college town. It’s pretty and it’s loaded with fast food restaurants. There’s Wendy’s, Micky D’s, Bojangles and even a drive through BBQ place. Brevard is where I picked up RT 64. Rt 64 was to become my most traveled route while I was in North Carolina. It would take me to the waterfalls and the Blue Ridge parkway. It would also scare the pants off me until I got used to it. 

The Road to Sapphire

Rt 64 to Sapphire

I was relieved to see signs for Sapphire Valley as I was leaving Brevard. At least I was on the right track. I made a mental note to make a return trip to Brevard before my trip was over. I wanted to see a White Squirrel.

As I left Brevard, RT  64 began to narrow from a multi lane road to two lanes, no shoulders. That was ok but then I got to the mountain. I have no idea what the name of the mountain is but the locals just refer to “The Mountain”. They tell you that you’ll go down the mountain, around the mountain, over the mountain but they never name the mountain. 

Brevard to Sapphire Valley

The drive up the mountain to Sapphire Valley took about 45 minutes to an hour. Much of the road was made up of hairpin turns and switchbacks. The signs showed twisty turns with 15- 25 mile speed limits. There was no cutting corners either because there was always a car coming the other way. I began to wish I had a passenger who could take a video or at the least pictures. There was no place to pull over so I couldn’t do it. I had both hands glued to the wheel! 

The Road to Sapphire

This kind of driving is an adrenaline rush. It’s fun but I enjoy it only when I’m not being tailgated and that was going to be the bane of my trip. The locals, who are the nicest people face to face, are demanding, crazy drivers. They know the road and it’s twists and turns and they don’t pay any attention to the speed limit. I became quite adept at locating the narrowest of pull offs so they could go around me. When I’d get out of the way I’d get a friendly toot and a wave as they blew my doors off going by. 

The Road to Sapphire

This was almost as challenging as driving in the mountains of South Dakota! I was very happy to see signs saying “entering Sapphire Valley”. Now I just had to find the resort and check in. 

Tale of the Lost Keys

Tale of the Lost Keys

I lost my car keys this week. That’s pretty hard for me to do. We are creatures of habit and I have carefully developed a habit for my keys over many years. I have a large wooden key rack with hooks mounted on the wall and the first thing I do when I come in is hang my keys on the hook. So how could I lose them? 

Tale of the Lost Keys

The Search Begins

At first I wasn’t too worried. After all I knew when I had them last and I live alone so no one could have borrowed them. My car beeps at me if I forget them in the car but I checked it anyway. No keys. When I had them last I was bringing in groceries. Maybe with my hands full I dropped them on the table or the floor. Nope, nothing there. I moved on to my pockets, pocket book and the canvas bag the groceries had been in- Nada.  I remembered I stopped at the mail box to pick up my mail. Did I leave them at the mail box? I checked. Not there either. Now I was perplexed. Where could those keys be? I decided to put the search on the back burner for now and use the spare set. I was sure they would turn up.


Day 2 of the Search for the Keys

On Day 2 I repeated my original search and added in the clothes hamper in case I left them in a pocket of my pants which I’d tossed in the hamper. Good idea but still came up empty.  I checked under all of the sofa and chair cushions. Nothing but spare change and crumbs there. At least it gave me a chance to clean out the crumbs. I was running out of places to look. Then it hit me. Could one of the cats have taken my keys as a toy? That must be it so I started searching under every piece of furniture including the fridge in the kitchen. I found lots of cat toys but no keys.

Tale of the Lost Keys

In Search Of  the Keys Day 3

I was truly stumped now. The cats were having a field day playing with all the toys that had come to light. I repeated my search from top to bottom with no success. Reluctantly I decided I’d have to order a replacement. I called the dealership to get the ball rolling. I thought I had been told a replacement was around $50.00. This is true but there is also a charge to program the key and another charge for losing it All together it was going to cost me $181.00 to replace that stupid car key/remote. As I sat at my desk contemplating the cost of my carelessness Banner came running in from the bedroom with Balboa hot on his tail and dangling from Banner’s mouth was my key chain and the missing key fob. I should have known!

Tale of the Lost Keys

The Tale of the Lost Keys-Found

Although Balboa is the kitty that usually carries toys around and likes to play fetch Banner has an attraction for more mechanical things. Every morning he tries to steal my Fitbit watch off the charger. It’s a game with him and he has the fastest paw in the east! The keys must have had the same attraction. I can only guess that when I set the groceries down I dropped the keys and before I missed them Banner had them and stashed them somewhere. I am just glad he brought them back before I spent $181.00 for a replacement I didn’t need.