Mother Nature’s at it Again

So much for “clear skies”. The Northeast just went under a blizzard warning for tonight and tomorrow until 1pm. Up to 12 inches of snow and bitter cold is predicted. My co-workers who are flying JetBlue out of Logan (Boston) are scrambling. Flights are already being grounded. Even so some airlines are charging extra to re-book .


Work emails are flying telling us what the company will pay for and what to do if we have to arrive a day early.


I spent 45 minutes on hold for Southwest Airlines. According to their web site my plane tomorrow is on- time and scheduled. Once I got through to a real live person I was assured that I would be notified of any change but as of this minute the flight was scheduled to take off on time.


I just hope I’ll be able to get to the airport to be on it.

march blizzard 013 copy

Posted in air travel, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Travel, Weather and tagged , , , .