
Well here I am. Sitting in the car waiting for sunset and ELK. I’ve finally reached the  Cataloochee. As sunset approached I decided to drive back through the valley. Near the little bridge the park service had erected rest rooms. I decided it might be wise to take advantage of them. When I returned to my car I spotted one of the rangers. At first he wagged a finger at me and said “Still too early” but then he must have felt bad for me because he had a change of heart.

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He told me there were 2 elk out by the “Old Palmer Place”.  He sent me back out through the gates where I found another dirt road to my left. About a mile down the road there was a farm house and right there I saw my first Elk in the wild.

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The Catloochee delivered as promised!

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Meanwhile back at the trail head, the herd arrived.

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