The Thing About Hawaii

RainbowsHawaii is a Paradise to me

As this trip to Hawaii approached I was surprised by the different reactions I got from people that knew where I was going. I admit I was a bit ambivalent about this trip. It’s a long plane ride and I’ve been to Maui before. In fact I’ve been here quite a lot. As one person said to me “It’s a long way just to sit on a beach”. I have to agree with that but the trip was booked so I was going.

Upgrade To First Class

As I was checking in for my flight I was given the option to upgrade to first class. At least for the first leg of my journey from Boston to LAX. I made a quick decision and clicked on yes. Oh my! I think I am hooked for life. I’ve traveled first class before but only for short trips. I thought it was nice then but for a long flight it’s going to be a “must” in the future. Did you know that even water is served to you in real glass cups, not plastic?! The breakfast that came with First Class was a turkey and cheese sandwich on flat bread, a side of fruit and yogurt, a beverage and a bread choice like a cinnamon roll or biscuit. There was real silverware. No plastic knives and forks. I was given a warm towel to freshen up with. So nice.

Stock Photo

Grocery Delivery Perk

As you know from my last post I arrived at my resort with limited options for a late meal. My TimeShare offers a grocery delivery perk. I’ve never used it but maybe I’ll look into it for future trips. Basically you tell them what you want to have in the condo when you arrive, bread, eggs, juice, soda etc. And they order it and make sure it’s there waiting for you when you check in. If I had thought to use that I wouldn’t have been in a dilemma  about what to have for dinner.

Now That I’m Here

Hawaii has already begun to work her magic on me. I had a wonderful first night sleep. I can feel the tension of the last few months draining away and I haven’t done anything  more than look out the window at my ocean view. It’s like this every time for me. From that first trip back in 2007 to today Hawaii never fails to sooth and calm me. Hawaii is more than ocean waves and palm trees. I can get those in Florida. No,  there’s something else here.  I hope I don’t sound stupid but I really feel like the islands speak to my soul. Welcome to Paradise!

Under the falls

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