Travels of an Alaska Moose

Bull MooseTravels of an Alaska Moose

Marvelous Marvin is a traveling Alaska Moose down to his snowshoed hoofs. For years Marvin roamed the frozen Alaska tundra enduring the cold and snow and wind. Each year, especially in spring, he’d see buses of tourists drive through Denali looking for glimpses of wildlife. Marvin wondered where they came from and where they went when they left.  Was there more to the world than this rugged life he lived?

Escape from Denali

It took Marvin a while but he finally got hooked up with an entrepreneur type who knew just what the tourists would like. Before he knew it Marvin was starting on his first travel as an Alaska Moose. He was headed to a new home in Massachusetts.  It was still cold and snowy there in winter so Marvin felt quite at home. Summers were hotter and more humid than Alaska but the sun didn’t stay out as late so he got more sleep. But Marvin was still restless. You’d think a move of more than 3000 miles would satisfy his wanderlust but noooo, not Marvin. He wanted more.

Deb 1 & Deb 2 with Marvin at Mercedes Benz Stadium

Marvin’s Little Adventure

Marvin got his chance for a little adventure when he accompanied his human to Atlanta in Jan 2020. His head is still spinning about his visit to the Mercedes Benz stadium. He was really in demand there! He made so many friends. That place was huge. Still that trip was too short. Marvin was still restless.

Marvin’s Big Adventure

Marvin was thrilled and excited to learn that his human was making another trip to Maui, HI. Would she take him along? Marvin couldn’t wait. He was giddy with anticipation! Finally the day came. It was still dark out when he was bundled into the car for the drive to the airport. He was really going to get to go! What an adventure.


Marvin wasn’t prepared for Maui. It was beautiful. The airport was open to the breezes. The sun was shining and it was warm but not too warm because the winds were blowing. Driving to the resort Marvin saw whales splashing in the ocean. There were rainbows everywhere! Soo much water! And people stood on boards and seemed to fly over the waves! Amazing. So much to see and so much to do! Marvin was a very happy traveling Alaska Moose.


Posted in Alaska, animals, Hawaii, Maui, Travel and tagged , , , .