Return to Whiteface Mountain

Whiteface Mountain Revisited

We returned to Whiteface Mountain 3 times while I was visiting. We are stubborn folk and no mountain was going to defeat us. Especially not one we could drive up. But Whiteface and fate had other plans. With a mountain this big it can make it’s own weather. After our first zero visibility try we returned on another sunny day. As we approached the bottom of the mountain we could see that the summit was hidden by clouds. No point in wasting another $30.00 toll. We headed off to find lunch.

Tail o the Pup

Located in Ray Brook NY, the Tail O the Pup is a BBQ restaurant with lots of outdoor seating. It was chilly when we were there but we wanted to give it a try so we decided being a little cold was acceptable. Note to self- next time toss a jacket in the car. I had a bit of trouble with the name of the restaurant. What do puppies have to do with BBQ? If the name was Tail o the Pig I’d imagine cute little curly pig tails but a Pup? We gave our order. My brother ordered the fried scallops I went with the BBQ ribs. The scallops were the winner. They were so juicy and they were huge! For a BBQ place my ribs were a disappointment. They didn’t come close to being “Fall off the bone”. They had a nice flavor but I’m not a fan of having to fight with my food to eat it. Next time we go there I know what I’m going to order.

Third Time’s the Charm

Or so they say. So we gave Whiteface one more shot. This was an absolutely beautiful day. Sun shining and only fluffy clouds in the sky. No fog banks, no storm clouds. How could we miss? This time is wasn’t the weather that stopped us. No it was fate or New York’s road construction crews. When we got to the entrance to the toll road a line of cars was turning around. A sign said- “Road Closed for Maintenance”. Ok we’re done. Three strikes you’re out! and all those cliches. We’ll save Whiteface for another trip. 

Whiteface Gondola

But all was not lost. As we drove away we spotted the Gondolas running up the side of the mountain. We might not make it to the summit on one but we’ll make it close to the top. So that was how we salvaged the Whiteface adventure. Enjoy the views from 3/4 of the way up. Imagine what you’d see from the top.

Puzzle update

I continue to make slow but steady progress

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