Georgetown Loop Railroad

Historic Railroad

Can you hear that lonesome whistle? 

After seeing the Steam engine puffing by with black smoke billowing from its stack I knew I’d be riding the Georgetown Loop Railroad. 

I’m not a true train buff but there is just something about a steam engine that stirs the heart.

Georgetown Loop Railroad

The Georgetown Loop Railroad was completed in 1884. It was built to connect the mining towns of Georgetown and Silver Plume. The builders planned out a corkscrew route to make the grade between the towns more manageable for the steam engine. Although the towns are only 2 miles apart, the loop is twice that distance and crosses 4 bridges.


On this bright and sunny summer day all of the cars were open air. 

Devil’s Gate Station

 I was waiting at the Silver Plume Depot to pick up my tickets for the 11:25 train. There are restrooms, benches and tables and a nice friendly atmosphere. I should have known that was too easy. I was at the wrong depot. My departure point was the Devil’s Gate Station. Devil’s Gate was completely different!

The parking area at Devil’s Gate was huge and full. Walking down the steps from the parking to the depot area was like entering a beehive. Lines were everywhere. Lines to get into the gift shop, lines to pick up tickets, lines for the restrooms and lines to board and exit the train. Tour busses unloaded their passengers and guides called out instructions to their charges. The contrast to Silver Plume Depot was startling. 


All Aboard

 Our conductor had the perfect voice for the All-Aboard call and in spite of the noise and confusion boarding was quick and efficient. In no time at all the whistle blew 3 short toots and the train pulled out with a jerk. Everyone was warned that it wouldn’t be a smooth start and to keep hands and children inside the cars.

This was Big Horn Sheep country, and I kept my eyes open for possible sightings, but the only wildlife out today was a deer getting lunch in some low brouse.

My favorite parts of the trip were the creek crossings. My seat allowed me to watch the engine as it started across the trestle bridges. 

A Perfect Day for a Train Ride

All in all, it was a perfect day for a train ride. It was sunny and warm with a lovely breeze. I even got a bit of a sunburn.

Everything about the depot was clean and welcoming. The staff were fun and friendly. I’m really glad I took the time to explore this area and enjoy this train excursion. Maybe I’ll get to see the Big Horn Sheep another time.




Posted in attraction, Colorado, trains, Travel and tagged , , , .


  1. I love riding the trains. I am glad you had a good time. I like that Picture of you. Your looking good young lady.

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