Telluride Colorado

What’s in Telluride, Colorado?

What’s in Telluride Colorado you ask. Well if you need to ask that then you are probably going to have a great vacation. The last time someone asked  “What’s in________” we were talking about South Dakota and all I knew when the adventure started was that was where Mount Rushmore was located. Turned out to be one of the best vacations I’ve taken yet and we experienced a lot more than just Mount Rushmore. But that’s a tale for another time.

Gondola car, Telluride, CO 003-18-2018 016

Telluride , Colorado

Telluride has been on my short list of places to visit in Colorado since I saw an episode of “Destination Unknown” about Butch Cassidy. Josh starts the episode riding on the Gondola. I love riding Gondolas. The views are always worth it and even though I don’t have a fear of heights there’s always a little tingle in my belly as you glide up or down a mountain. So with a gondola calling me and the outlaw history to add spice, Telluride quickly moved to the top of my “very interesting possibility ” list. To increase my interest one of you, my readers, highly recommended a visit. Hearing from you folks always increases my interest. Thank you for your suggestions!

What to do in Telluride?

So what can I tell you about Telluride when I haven’t been there? Well digging around on the internet gives me lots of ideas. Of course if Telluride becomes my vacation choice I will then need to reconfirm everything. COVID has made a lot of the attractions obsolete. So what I’ve found out should not be taken as gospel at this point. We are in the very early exploratory stages.

I found a list of 21 Best things to do in Telluride

A Few Comments on the List

I can eliminate some of the things on the list like the Ski resort. I’d be going in warm weather and I don’t ski and don’t plan to start. But I could see doing an Off Road Adventure. I’m not in much shape for strenuous or long hikes. Bad knees and overweight makes me a poor candidate, especially at elevations of 8000 ft +. I’d love to do some horseback rides. I haven’t been riding since before my hip replacement but the surgeon told me that I was fully healed so that should be free to try it out. 

I’d like to find a way to get to Bridal Veil Falls so I could photograph it. Bridal Veil Falls is a 365-foot waterfall at the end of the box canyon overlooking Telluride.

About 84 miles southwest  is Mesa Verde National Park known for its well-preserved Ancestral Puebloan cliff dwellings, notably the huge Cliff Palace. I’d love to see those so that could be a nice day trip.

This is sounding better to me all the time! Please share your thoughts, recommendations and ideas for my Colorado Adventure. We have lots of time for planning!


Lazy Saturday Morning

Lazy Saturday Morning

It’s just a lazy  Saturday morning for Banner, Balboa and me. The start of a 3 day weekend. I hope the weather will cooperate for the weekend. Right now it doesn’t look too good. It’s dark and rainy.  I’m taking advantage of the calm before Balboa starts his morning crazy cat antics. We’re enjoying a bit of Cat TV together.

We have to negotiate what to watch. Banner likes mice and squirrels, Balboa is excited by the birds and I like the fish. Something for everyone!

Where to Go When COVID has Past?

A laid back lazy Saturday seems like a good time to think about a trip once COVID is under control. “They” are saying it will be safe to travel in the fall. All I can say is we’ll see. But I still don’t know where I want to go. I’m leaning toward trying to pick back up on my canceled trip to Colorado. I had that booked for last August but by the time August rolled around COVID had everything in lock down. So here are my options for Colorado:

  • Breckenridge , Colorado
  • Vail , Colorado
  • Durango , Colorado
  • Steamboat Springs , Colorado
  • Avon , Colorado
  • Telluride , Colorado
  • Winter Park , Colorado
  • Mesa , Colorado
  • Fraser , Colorado
  • Keystone , Colorado
  • Estes Park , Colorado
  • Granby , Colorado
  • Aspen , Colorado
  • Beaver Creek , Colorado
  • Dillon , Colorado
  • Frisco , Colorado
  • Copper Mountain , Colorado
  • Silver Creek , Colorado
  • Pagosa Springs , Colorado

This is quite a list. I’m not sure how I will ever choose. Missing from the list is Colorado Springs and Denver.  They were on the list before COVID and more places have been added!

My Thoughts, Your Thoughts

My original trip was booked in Steamboat Springs. I thought I’d like the hot springs there and maybe see some wildlife. But I’d also like to go to Telluride and take the Gondola. The ride on the “G” provides expansive vistas of the San Juan Mountains, Aspen-cloaked mesas and sun-struck waterfalls.



Anyone from Colorado or who has visited Colorado want to chime in with a suggestion? Advice welcome.


Love the Cats but What about Travel?

Love the Cats but What about Travel?

I do enjoy talking about my cats. They give me great pleasure and make me laugh so like a doting grandma I tell their stories.


But I know I can get carried away so I’ll keep my kitty tales to myself this week and talk about travel. Hope that works for you.

Domestic or International?

Now that the vaccines have started flowing and the world is getting restless, like a flower unfolding after the winter’s snow, we’re slowly peeking our heads out. Will it be safe to travel again in 2021? If so where do you want to go? I’ve been giving that some serious thought.     

I’m primarily a domestic traveler and I think my first trip after COVID will probably be a domestic one. I feel more certain that it will be a clean resort although I hear plenty of horror stories.  I’m still a timeshare owner and for all the negative things you hear about timeshares, one thing I can say is that I’ve never had a bad resort experience with my time share.   They have all been top of the line, modern and clean. 

Using that same rational if I do decide on an international trip, it will be with my timeshare. 

Where Do You Plan To Go?

I think if I go for an international trip I’d head to Grand Cayman. I want to go to Stingray City. In past trips I’ve snorkeled with Manatees, gone night snorkeling with Manta Rays and snuba diving with giant sea turtles. I think I’d like to be able to check off the stingrays next.

Turtle Town 2020

As for a domestic trip the debate is still going on. Do I want a repeat visit somewhere or to go someplace new? I was trying to get to all 50 states but I may be running out of time because I keep going back to places I’ve really enjoyed and did you hear? Kilauea, the volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii is erupting again. That’s exciting. I always loved seeing Kilauea so do I want to go back to Hawaii?   

Lava Lake Glow

Kilauea’s Lava Lake glows 2018

So many placed so go, so little time! 


Any New Year Resolutions?

New Year Resolutions

Ok, the big question…did you make any New Year Resolutions? 2020 was certainly a weird year when I look back on it. But I found myself wondering how you can make a resolution when the future is so unknown. I’m not ready to resolve to join a gym even though I need more exercise.  We have a light at the end of the COVID tunnel but its too soon to tell if its going to work. I miss traveling but I’m not sure I’m willing to risk my life for a little excitement. Hanging out at home isn’t so bad especially since I have my little buddies to amuse me. 

Travel Resolutions in 2021

If I do take a trip in 2021 I think it will be near the end of the year. I’m not making any reservations yet. Hopefully things will begin to ease up over the summer. I can do some day trips locally with my camera. I live in a beautiful part of the country. With The White Mountains of New Hampshire to the north and the rugged coast of Maine to the northeast Opportunity abounds. I can go south to Cape Cod and the National Sea Shore. Or take a boat trip to Stellwagen Bank to watch the whales.

Whale Breach off Cape Cod – 2017


Go west and we have the rolling mountains of the Berkshires.  So many day trips, so little time. 

Where to go for a “Big” trip in 2021

I’m not sure where I’ll go if I do take a trip in 2021. I might go back to Hawaii but part of me thinks I’ve been there too much and should take a break.

Dreaming of Hawaii

I was looking for a specific photo recently and couldn’t find it. The photo was from one of my trips to Sedona, AZ. I was thinking I might need to go back there again so that I can capture the missing picture again. It’s of Montezuma’s Castle  That’s not really a castle.

Montezuma’s Castle-By Tomas Castelazo – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Its a cliff dwelling and I know I had a picture.

The Bottom Line on Resolutions this year


Skip the usual resolutions!
I’m going to spend more time with my cats


Cruising for Vacation, Bahamas, Mexico & Alaska

Cruising for VacationCruise Nassau, Bahama

To cruise for vacation or not to cruise. Cruising has become the way to vacation in recent years (pre Covid). I can see the appeal. You have a floating hotel room and all of your meals. Once you board you unpack once and you are all set for the duration. For those of us who have worn out our joints so that we have had to slow down, being delivered to our location is a nice perk.

Still I haven’t been a fan of cruising in the past. My first cruise was to celebrate my friend Joe’s 40th birthday. Some of Joe’s friends and I chipped in and took him on a 4 day cruise to the Bahama’s. Since we were all on a budget my roommate and I settled for an inside cabin. It was small and cramped but we figured we wouldn’t be spending much time in the cabin so we could tolerate it. Never again. I’ll pay the extra for an outside cabin- preferably one with a balcony. The best part of that cruise for me was the stop at the private island. I spend most of the day snorkeling. There wasn’t a lot to see. Just a sandy bottom and occasional fish but floating in the warm waters was great!

I’m not a shopper so I didn’t get much out of the shopping spree in Nassau but I did enjoy the trip to Atlantis Resort. The bottom line is that Joe had a really special birthday but the experience didn’t encourage me to try cruising again.



Tulum, Mexico

Tulum, Mexico

The next cruise I tried was once again with my friend Joe. We took a 4 day cruise out of the port of Miami to Cozumel, Mexico.

Before we headed out for Mexico we made a port of call in Key West. We were very familiar with Key West. Joe had worked there and I had visited on several occasions. Even so we enjoyed wandering around.


Once we reached Cozumel we took a wild ride across the channel to  Playa del Carmen. From there we took a bus to the Mayan Ruin at Tulum.

This was worth every penny. The ruins were amazing and when we went shopping we got to see The voladores, the flyers. These men tie themselves to a pole and and slowly descend circling the pole.


This cruise could have been longer as we didn’t have much time to spend in Mexico but what we saw was great. 

The Long Alaska Cruise Tour

With a couple of short cruises under my belt I let me sister talk me into taking an Alaska Cruise. What I learned from this experience is to not rely on the travel agent. As usual we were watching our pennies. We wanted to get the biggest bang for our buck. The travel agent convinced us that if we wanted to see baby animals, wildflowers and such we should take an early cruise-plus a shoulder season cruise was less expensive. Sounded good to us so we booked the first cruise of the season in late May. As our departure date neared we were notified of a cabin upgrade from ocean view to balcony. That was a great upgrade. We watched glaciers calve from that balcony.

On a shore excursion we got a taste of native culture.

Young Tlingit Dancer in Ceremonial dress

The weather didn’t cooperate for most of the cruise. Alaska had a late spring that year so there was still snow and a daily dose of cold, rainy, gray weather. We were glad we packed winter clothing. The bears were just beginning to come out of hibernation and most of the other mammals were still very pregnant. No babies yet and no wildflowers,  We were about a week too early! 

We did get to go dog sledding and spend time with the puppies. That was fun even though the snow had mostly melted there. Our sled was a big converted car body on wheels. I thought it would be too heavy for the dogs but they loved it. 

We did see Glaciers in Glacier Bay and bald eagles were everywhere. In Denali we got to see moose and caribou. At one port of call we spotted an otter! It wasn’t a total loss. I just think we had bad luck with our timing.  

Magarie Glacier

Bald Eagle on an ice floe

Even so Alaska is an amazing state. I want a return trip- by land this time. I’ve heard the way to see Alaska is in an RV but I’m still thinking about what I want from a return trip.