50 State Challenge
I’m not sure when I first thought of trying to visit all 50 states. Once I started doing some traveling I thought it might be nice to set a goal. I was returning to the same places year after year and the US is such a big country. I wanted to be able to say I’d seen it from Sea to Shining Sea! If I’ve learned anything so far it’s that one vacation in most states isn’t enough to even scratch the surface.
The other thing I’ve learned is that every destination can surprise you. When my sister and I went to South Dakota everyone asked me what was there besides Mount Rushmore. I didn’t know but once we arrived we found plenty to do from exploring the Bad Lands National Park to visiting a Dinosaur Dig! We did so many amazing things. It is still one of my favorite vacation memories.
Update on my Quest
As of this moment, September 2022, I’ve visited 30 of the 50 states. More than halfway through. I still need to visit
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Delaware
- Idaho
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Michigan
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- New Mexico
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Utah
- West Virginia
Not Alone
While researching locations for my next trip I ran across a blog called Smart Mouse Travel. The blog is about family travel and the 50 sate challenge they are trying to meet. They set a time limit. The goal is by 2027 and they are slightly ahead of me. They’ve visited 32 states to my 30. I blame Covid for that as I didn’t do any traveling in the 2 years we were locked down.
Can you believe that the average American only visits 12 states in their lifetime? That’s according to a 2016 poll. Even before I caught the travel bug I would have expected more from my fellow Americans but I am getting off track.
What Makes a Visit to A state Count?
Their only rule for recording a visit to a state is they must do something noteworthy in the state. That means flying into an airport and driving without a tourist stop or having a layover in a new state does not count toward the goal. My self imposed rule was similar and I’ve met that requirement on every state I’ve counted on my list. I’ve stayed long enough to try to find something interesting to do and then done it.
So where to next?
You can see the list and I’m researching the remaining states. Would love suggestions! I need to get that map filled in. Too much white space!