Easter Wishes
If a picture is worth a thousands words, here’s 3000 words wishing you a Happy Easter
Sights, Scenes and Travel of an everyday person
If a picture is worth a thousands words, here’s 3000 words wishing you a Happy Easter
I am so proud of myself. I made crepes for the first time about a week ago. I’d never tried to make these skinny pancakes and don’t know what made me decide to try but I am happy to report they were a success. Now this comes from someone who has never, ever been able to make a decent pancake. (Unless it’s an apple pancake)
Pancakes are supposed to be easy right? Well I have never been successful. I finally settled on super fat (thick) Bisquick pancakes or a trip to IHop for my pancake fix. Then I saw an episode on Food Network about pancakes and it’s been percolating in the back of my mind. After all if I can make a successful crepe I should be able to make pancakes, right?
I think of crepes as a breakfast food so I made my first ones Strawberry but I think next time I will go for savory instead of sweet. Maybe stuff them with sausage and eggs.
The recipe was very simple and easy. From Allrecipes.com
Prep time- 10 minutes
Cook time 20 minutes (Mine was less)
Total Time 30 minutes
Recipe from One dish kitchen
With a successful crepe experience behind me I moved on to my nemesis, pancakes. I was really brave too. I didn’t even use a mix! Pancakes from scratch coming up and wonder of wonders, they were good!
Prep Time- 5 minutes Cook time – 10 minutes Total time – 15 minutes
Even with this scaled down recipe there was more batter than I needed for just me. I made two pancakes for me and probably had enough batter left for 3 or 4 more.
So which one do you want to try first?
Enjoy- They are yummy!
Did you know there is a place called Monsterland in Massachusetts? It’s located in Leominster, MA in the state forest. Here you can look for Bigfoot and other strange activity. Legend has it that the activity goes back to the 1800’s. Leominster is not alone with a reputation for strange happenings. We’ve also got the Bridgewater Triangle and New Hampshire has the Betty and Barney Hill Alien abduction.
Ronny LeBlanc is a Native of Leominster who has made it to the little screen in the Travel Channels’ series “Expedition Bigfoot.” LeBlanc tells of an experience in Leominster state forest when he was a boy that has impacted his whole life. He was 11 years old when he experienced his first Bigfoot.
“Within seconds the forest erupted in front of me. Trees and shrubs were moving. I started to feel these reverberations in the soles of my feet of something walking.”
But Western Massachusetts isn’t the only Bigfoot Hotspot. For years there have been reports of Bigfoot in Whitehall NY. Whitehall isn’t that far from the Western MA border so some speculate that the Bigfoots have a migration trail that runs through Whitehall, NY and into Massachusetts. I’m feeling kind of left out. I grew up very close to Whitehall in the Adirondacks and now I live in Massachusetts but I’ve never run into one of the hairy monsters myself. But then again, I am not sure I want to.
I think Mark Twain got this right. I don’t think I’ve ever had true Southern Cornbread but I’ve had some pretty awful cornbread here in the North. Maybe my sister in law and I should have a cornbread bake off. My sister-in -law is from Charleston, South Carolina and is one of the most fun people I know. But I digress.
Cornbread is something I don’t eat very often but every once in a while I get a craving for it. When I was working I’d buy the little mix packages that were just add water. Although easy and quick to make the result was this dry, crumbly stuff that was really pretty bad. Still bad cornbread is better than no corn bread so I kept doing that until someone gave me a recipe for Boston Market Cornbread. I’m always looking for ways to improve my cooking skills.
Boston Market cornbread is a very moist, very sweet, cornbread that is served as a mini loaf.
I think they are great but is it cornbread?
When I got the “Imposter” recipe I could see why it’s so cake like. It uses a box of Butter Cake mix as a base. It makes a ton of these little loaves and they also freeze well. I used to make a batch for the office and we’d put them in the freezer so my co-workers and I could have them whenever we wanted.
Boston Market cornbread aside, I still think there is nothing like cornbread that’s baked in a cast iron skillet. You get such a beautiful crust when you bake your cornbread this way. So I set out to see if I could make a decent cornbread even though I am a Northerner. I think my effort was pretty successful. Here’s the result.
A friend of mine once told me he had to retire because he had so many doctor appointments it was the only way he had time to keep them all. I’m beginning to see what he meant. It was a celebration when I finally got my insurance straightened out- Medicare parts A & B and an Advantage plan with my old insurance company, Aetna, Now it’s time to reschedule all of the appointments I missed while I was uninsured.
Aetna seems to be afraid that I’m going to croak on them or something. They call me 2-3 times per week to see if I have any questions. They sent a visiting nurse to my home to check on me. And they email me every day! Oh and did I mention the letters? They’ve killed a few trees to stay in touch.
As for appointments I’ve had an annual physical, am scheduled for blood work, scheduled an eye exam and a mammogram. My doctor suggested a follow up with my pulmonary guy, my nephrologist and my hematologist. She tossed in a vascular specialist for good measure so I put my foot down.
I got my tax refund so I felt comfortable taking $100 to buy a Roku TV. It was so easy to set up. Just plug it in to an outlet and sign into my streaming accounts. I still have my old TV hooked up to cable but so far I don’t see any reason to keep it up. I have a couple of my shows that will be adding new episodes so I just want to see how quickly the new ones hit the stream. If its a couple of days I won’t even add a live TV option. I’ll just stream what I have.
The first day I had the new TV hooked up I checked out the Hulu Original, “Only Murders in the Building” and ended up binge watching all the episodes. So I think this may work out well. I’ll keep you posted.