It’s Always Cooler on The Water

With the heat and oppressive humidity in Boston Nancy and I made the decision to take a harbor cruise. It wasn’t much of a decision. The temps were so uncomfortable that it was really the only option.

We made a stop at Quincy Market  where Nancy got a smoothie and I got a cup of watermelon then it was back to the wharf for the harbor cruise. What a difference. As soon as we pulled out of the slip we could feel the cooler air…natural air conditioning.

The sights were many…Nantucket Lightship, Fort Independence,  Castle Island, Cod-zilla, Bunkerhill Monument, USS Constitution, The steeple of the Old North Church,  Coast Guard  Ships, Boston Fire Boat, Logan airport, the beautiful bridges around Boston The Zakim and the Mystic River Bridges and the list goes on.

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It was only a 90 minute cruise but it was just enough of a break before we had to fight the afternoon crowds back onto the “T” to head back to the “Burbs”.

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