A Hawaiian Slideshow

A Hawaiian Slideshow

Hawaii is a state of the United States of America located in the Pacific Ocean. It is the only U.S. state located outside North America and the only island state.  Distant and exotic it is on everyone’s bucket list.  While travel is at a standstill, I thought I’d share a slide show from my trips to Hawaii. The photos are from Oahu, Maui and The Big Island. They include landscapes, water sports, flora and fauna. There is so much in Hawaii to see. 





Taking Back my Condo

Taking Back My Condo

I’ve been living with a cat for more years than I can count. Seems like forever. I bought this condo in Taunton in 2006 and moved in with 3 cats. Over the years one by one they have passed on but I made little effort to change anything since I still had cats until finally there was one.

Now that Rocky has passed away I decided to take back my condo. It’s harder than I thought. I’m attached to his cat trees. I expect to see him sitting there when I walk by. He would tap me with a paw whenever I was near. There are no more taps. I went into the bathroom to open the vanity and realized I could take the child safe lock off the door. Those Bar stools- they can be placed back by the breakfast bar. They don’t have to block closet doors any more.

Rocky’s Favorite Toy

I found Rocky’s favorite toy today. It was missing for about a week before I called the Vet for that fateful visit . I was going to send it to be cremated with him. He’s had it as long as I’ve had him. Seemed appropriate that it should go with him but I couldn’t find it. Its a little worse for wear but still intact. A 19 year old toy. Imagine that! I’m going to save it. Maybe I should have it bronzed. Do they still do that?

Shelters and Friends

Some of Rocky’s things have been shared with my friends. My neighbor’s cat “Moochie” was thrilled with a catnip kick toy I gave him today. I found a shelter to take some of the other toys and ceramic cat dishes. I didn’t realize how many I had. Although they may have accepted the cat trees they are just too heavy for me to move. I found a man with a truck to come pick those up. It’s so quiet and empty. I never knew a little cat could leave such a big hole!


Good Bye My Rocky Rock Star

The last Good Bye

My Rocky Rock Star crossed the Rainbow Bridge this morning at 11:15 am. I had a house call vet, Dr. Ross from Raynham, come to the house so Rocky could make the trip peacefully. It was the best decision ever. Rocky was asleep when she came in. He woke up and she petted him and talked to him. He seemed to like her and was very relaxed. She gave him the first shots right there in bed and he just went to sleep. She then gave him the last and final shot and his heart stopped. It was the most peaceful and gentle euthanasia I’ve ever experienced and I’ve had to do this for a number of my pets.  I will never have it done in a Vet’s office again!


Rocky was a pretty amazing cat. Right from the first he was a fighter. Rocky was born feral and a neighbor’s young son found him when he was a tiny kitten. I saw the son throwing something up in the air and catching it like a ball. As I watched I realized it was a tiny animal. I went racing outside to intervene and the kid threw the creature into a shopping cart. It was so tiny it fell through the grid to the ground. The tiny creature stood up, shook his head and meowed. Then it did that wobbly kitty walk right up to me. That was my introduction to Rocky.

Named after Rocky Balboa

Rocky isn’t much of a cat name. But I had to think on my feet. When I took the little scruff of fur to the vet to get checked out he wouldn’t treat him until I named him. All I could think of was the scene from the Rocky movie where poor beat up Rocky is calling for Adrienne. That’s what it felt like the kitten had done when he came to me after falling out of the shopping cart so Rocky he became. 

My Rocky Rock Star

Even as a tiny kitten Rocky knew his name and came to me when called. That was good because he got himself in some pretty crazy predicaments. If he couldn’t  get to me he would meow so I was always able to find him. Rocky was good with other cats and until fairly recently he was always in a multi-cat household. He would play fetch, walk on a leash, ride in a baby carriage and greet me at the door when I came home. And boy if I was late or when I’d been away I’d hear about it. He had a very loud meow to scold me with. 

When I had my hip replaced Rocky never left me. My Pet Sitter would come in to feed him and take care of him while I was immobile. She’d always say “Where is my little man” and I’d point to my lap. He was my buddy until the end. 

It was time

Although medicine helped Rocky along, he actually died of Chronic Renal Failure. Not uncommon in senior cats. He was in pain and on fluids. He was barely eating and drinking. It just wasn’t a good quality of life. He deserved so much more. It was time to let him go. I will miss you my Rocky-poo. You will always be my Rocky Rock Star. 





Rocky News

Rocky News

Anyone who has followed this blog for any length of time knows that Rocky is an important part of my life. He even wrote some posts and acted as Editor in Chief cat for awhile whenever I had writer’s block. Rocky retired a few years ago and has been living a quiet life but he remains very involved in my life. He has reached the ripe old age (for a cat) of 18.5 years. He’ll be 19 in May.

Rocky isn’t feeling well

Rocky stopped eating and drinking on Monday this week. That is not good for a cat but Rocky can be finicky. He could give Morris a run for his money but he continued his hunger strike on Tuesday and didn’t poop or pee in his litter box. Time for an emergency call to our vet, Taunton Cat Hospital. Rocky showed lots of life when we got there . He proved he still had a good set of lungs too! Because he hadn’t drank any water for two days the Vet couldn’t get a urine sample so her best guess is that he has a kidney infection.  The Vet staff administered fluids because he was dehydrated. They drew blood and sent it out for a senior panel and Rocky got to come home.

Rocky my catRocky’s Blood Tests

Rocky’s blood tests came back and didn’t show any fatal or end of life numbers. That was a big relief but he still wasn’t eating or drinking or using his litter box. So I went in without him and they gave me a lesson in administering fluids. They used a stuffed cat to demonstrate. I left with antibiotics, iron supplements and an IV bag of fluids. Rocky finally ate some dinner so that was a good sign.  I started  Rocky on his meds as soon as I got home and I was joined by my pet sitter this morning to administer the fluids. He was such a good boy. He just lay still and purred while the fluids went into him, so relaxed and calm. He used his litter box too! Who knew I would get so excited over cat pee! But I was. It made me sooo happy.

So time will tell

Rocky is sleeping now. I guess time will tell if he can shake off this infection. I know one thing, if he recovers he will be even more spoiled than he was before. I was carrying him around on a pillow this morning! All Hail King Rocky. Long live the King!Rocky's happy to see me



Travels of an Alaska Moose

Bull MooseTravels of an Alaska Moose

Marvelous Marvin is a traveling Alaska Moose down to his snowshoed hoofs. For years Marvin roamed the frozen Alaska tundra enduring the cold and snow and wind. Each year, especially in spring, he’d see buses of tourists drive through Denali looking for glimpses of wildlife. Marvin wondered where they came from and where they went when they left.  Was there more to the world than this rugged life he lived?

Escape from Denali

It took Marvin a while but he finally got hooked up with an entrepreneur type who knew just what the tourists would like. Before he knew it Marvin was starting on his first travel as an Alaska Moose. He was headed to a new home in Massachusetts.  It was still cold and snowy there in winter so Marvin felt quite at home. Summers were hotter and more humid than Alaska but the sun didn’t stay out as late so he got more sleep. But Marvin was still restless. You’d think a move of more than 3000 miles would satisfy his wanderlust but noooo, not Marvin. He wanted more.

Deb 1 & Deb 2 with Marvin at Mercedes Benz Stadium

Marvin’s Little Adventure

Marvin got his chance for a little adventure when he accompanied his human to Atlanta in Jan 2020. His head is still spinning about his visit to the Mercedes Benz stadium. He was really in demand there! He made so many friends. That place was huge. Still that trip was too short. Marvin was still restless.

Marvin’s Big Adventure

Marvin was thrilled and excited to learn that his human was making another trip to Maui, HI. Would she take him along? Marvin couldn’t wait. He was giddy with anticipation! Finally the day came. It was still dark out when he was bundled into the car for the drive to the airport. He was really going to get to go! What an adventure.


Marvin wasn’t prepared for Maui. It was beautiful. The airport was open to the breezes. The sun was shining and it was warm but not too warm because the winds were blowing. Driving to the resort Marvin saw whales splashing in the ocean. There were rainbows everywhere! Soo much water! And people stood on boards and seemed to fly over the waves! Amazing. So much to see and so much to do! Marvin was a very happy traveling Alaska Moose.