Rocky News

Rocky News

Anyone who has followed this blog for any length of time knows that Rocky is an important part of my life. He even wrote some posts and acted as Editor in Chief cat for awhile whenever I had writer’s block. Rocky retired a few years ago and has been living a quiet life but he remains very involved in my life. He has reached the ripe old age (for a cat) of 18.5 years. He’ll be 19 in May.

Rocky isn’t feeling well

Rocky stopped eating and drinking on Monday this week. That is not good for a cat but Rocky can be finicky. He could give Morris a run for his money but he continued his hunger strike on Tuesday and didn’t poop or pee in his litter box. Time for an emergency call to our vet, Taunton Cat Hospital. Rocky showed lots of life when we got there . He proved he still had a good set of lungs too! Because he hadn’t drank any water for two days the Vet couldn’t get a urine sample so her best guess is that he has a kidney infection.  The Vet staff administered fluids because he was dehydrated. They drew blood and sent it out for a senior panel and Rocky got to come home.

Rocky my catRocky’s Blood Tests

Rocky’s blood tests came back and didn’t show any fatal or end of life numbers. That was a big relief but he still wasn’t eating or drinking or using his litter box. So I went in without him and they gave me a lesson in administering fluids. They used a stuffed cat to demonstrate. I left with antibiotics, iron supplements and an IV bag of fluids. Rocky finally ate some dinner so that was a good sign.  I started  Rocky on his meds as soon as I got home and I was joined by my pet sitter this morning to administer the fluids. He was such a good boy. He just lay still and purred while the fluids went into him, so relaxed and calm. He used his litter box too! Who knew I would get so excited over cat pee! But I was. It made me sooo happy.

So time will tell

Rocky is sleeping now. I guess time will tell if he can shake off this infection. I know one thing, if he recovers he will be even more spoiled than he was before. I was carrying him around on a pillow this morning! All Hail King Rocky. Long live the King!Rocky's happy to see me



Travels of an Alaska Moose

Bull MooseTravels of an Alaska Moose

Marvelous Marvin is a traveling Alaska Moose down to his snowshoed hoofs. For years Marvin roamed the frozen Alaska tundra enduring the cold and snow and wind. Each year, especially in spring, he’d see buses of tourists drive through Denali looking for glimpses of wildlife. Marvin wondered where they came from and where they went when they left.  Was there more to the world than this rugged life he lived?

Escape from Denali

It took Marvin a while but he finally got hooked up with an entrepreneur type who knew just what the tourists would like. Before he knew it Marvin was starting on his first travel as an Alaska Moose. He was headed to a new home in Massachusetts.  It was still cold and snowy there in winter so Marvin felt quite at home. Summers were hotter and more humid than Alaska but the sun didn’t stay out as late so he got more sleep. But Marvin was still restless. You’d think a move of more than 3000 miles would satisfy his wanderlust but noooo, not Marvin. He wanted more.

Deb 1 & Deb 2 with Marvin at Mercedes Benz Stadium

Marvin’s Little Adventure

Marvin got his chance for a little adventure when he accompanied his human to Atlanta in Jan 2020. His head is still spinning about his visit to the Mercedes Benz stadium. He was really in demand there! He made so many friends. That place was huge. Still that trip was too short. Marvin was still restless.

Marvin’s Big Adventure

Marvin was thrilled and excited to learn that his human was making another trip to Maui, HI. Would she take him along? Marvin couldn’t wait. He was giddy with anticipation! Finally the day came. It was still dark out when he was bundled into the car for the drive to the airport. He was really going to get to go! What an adventure.


Marvin wasn’t prepared for Maui. It was beautiful. The airport was open to the breezes. The sun was shining and it was warm but not too warm because the winds were blowing. Driving to the resort Marvin saw whales splashing in the ocean. There were rainbows everywhere! Soo much water! And people stood on boards and seemed to fly over the waves! Amazing. So much to see and so much to do! Marvin was a very happy traveling Alaska Moose.


Rocky the Lap Cat

Rocky the Lap Cat

Rocky, retired editor cat in chief of this space, orange cat extraordinaire, was never known for being  a  lap cat. That suited me just fine because I wasn’t known for just sitting around waiting for a cat warmer. But Rocky isn’t getting any younger. He’s 18 1/2. He’ll be 19 in May. That’s old for a kitty cat. He doesn’t move around as much as he used to. I am treasuring every minute we have together. But he’s starting to be a little quirky.

Rocky’s Senior Moments

I can sympathize with Rocky when he seems to be confused. I have plenty of senior moments myself. They can be embarrassing.  You know what I mean. You are presenting in a meeting and you are just getting to your point and it’s gone- poof! The mind is blank and you’re scrambling to not look like an idiot. After that happened a couple of times I’ve learned to laugh and admit that my mind just took a brief vacation. Well Rocky is doing things like that too. He will start toward his food bowl and suddenly stop, look around, maybe lick himself then walk away. The food is totally forgotten.

He’ll attack my arm at 4 am. When I turn the light on he blinks, looks confused and gently removes his claws. I know he doesn’t realize what he’s doing. Maybe he was dreaming I was a big mouse.

Rocky’s Lap Cat moments

You’ve all heard the jokes about the pet owner who can’t move because it would disturb the pet. Well Rocky the lap cat has turned me into one of those! Rocky follows me around and meows-loudly (Maybe he’s going deaf too?) Once I sit down I don’t even have time to settle myself before he is clambering into my lap. Once there he settles in for the duration. Heaven help me if I need to go to the bathroom! I’ve learned to keep the cell phone close at hand so I don’t have to disturb him to answer the phone. Once he’s settled in he doesn’t move. His Tail doesn’t even twitch!  He’s so quiet sometimes I check to be sure he’s still breathing.

Well Loved and Loyal

Rocky has been a loyal pet and returned my love in full measure. If he acts a little strange now or wants to be held, who am I to deny him. I can delay that shopping trip or luncheon if it gives us a little more time together. I hope we have a few more years but I realize that every day is a gift when you have a senior pet.

Tiny Rocky in 2001


Guess What Day It is!

Guess What Day it is? 

Mike Mike Mike, Guess what day it is!? Nope not Hump Day. It’s February 2nd – Ground Hog Day. Today’s the day we find out if the groundhog will see his shadow. So what you ask, Why do I care? Well if tradition is right when the ground hog sees his shadow he’ll be  scared and run back into his burrow. He’ll hide and we’ll get 6 more weeks of winter. If he doesn’t see his shadow then we’ll have an early spring. As you can imagine everyone is hoping  “No Shadow”.

Punxsutawaney Phil

Punxsutawney Phil is a groundhog in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania and they go all out for Ground Hog Day. There are lots of local ground hogs and mini ceremonies but Puxautawney Phil gets the lime light. And according to the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club, Phil’s opinion is the only one that matters. He was even the Ground Hog in Bill Murray’s movie Ground Hog Day. As I write this I’m waiting to hear if Phil saw his shadow this morning or not. It’s quite overcast here in Massachusetts but who knows what it’s like in Pennsylvania? 

Meanwhile in Punxsutawney PA

The top hatted, frock coated, officials are leading a chant…Phil, Phil, Phil. They have to wake him up to get him out of his den. I guess you could say that’s the original rude awakening! Phil has a “Handler” and he’s approaching Phil’s home. He looks a little hesitant to me. Maybe Phil wakes up grumpy?  As he reaches in the crowd quiets and there’s Phil! 

Did The Little Critter see his shadow?

Groundhog Day results 2020: No shadow! Phil predicts early spring is coming.

This is only the 20th time out of 124 in his recorded history (there are 10 years where no record remains) that Phil hasn’t been able to find his shadow. That’s only a 40% successful prediction rate. Still at this mid-point of a New England winter it’s nice to think we might get an early spring.

The Best 4 Hours

The Best 4 Hours

The Best 4 Hours The Best 4 hours I’ve spent in a long time were those at the Theater of the Sea. Oh , you could spend the whole day. They have a beach and you could do extra events like swim with dolphins but if you just want to experience the shows you can do it all in 4 hours. I did and I had a blast. I had arrived right when the ticket office opened but even so the reptile tour had already started. I managed to catch it before it was too far along.

The Parrots

After the reptile show we moved on to the Parrot show. There were metal bleachers for us to sit on and everyone settled in while we waited for the parrots to be brought out. A quick little movement caught my eye. There was a little crab trying to get across the cement floor of the enclosure. I crossed my fingers but he made it!The Best 4 hours

When the parrots joined us it wasn’t quiet any more. Parrots are nothing if not outspoken! I loved watching them count and play games. Beautiful birds.

The Best 4 Hours 

Next up, the Dolphin Show

More bleachers and I sat in the “splash zone”. I thought the cool water might be nice about now but these were very polite dolphins. They splashed their trainer but not so much on the audience. The lighting was challenging. I was in the shade but the dolphin show was in the sun most of the time. Still I caught a few of their tricks.

The Best 4 Hours 

The Best 4 Hours 

Saved the best for lastFascination

The last show was the Sea Line show. More Bleachers and more fun. The Dolphins had been really good. Lots of exciting leaps and splashes but the sea lion had the personality. They just made you laugh. Kids were fascinated.

Sea Lion

Sea Lion

A fish Gift

My 4 hours were coming to a close and they were the Best!

The Photos

I hope you enjoyed the photos from my visit as much as I enjoyed taking them.