Ode to Rocky- Leavin’ on a Jet Plane

Rocky this one’s for you

All my bags are packed I’m ready to go
I’m standin’ here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye
But the dawn is breakin’ it’s early morn
The taxi’s waitin’ he’s blowin’ his horn
Already I’m so lonesome I could die

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you’ll wait for me
Hold me like you’ll never let me go
Cause I’m leavin’ on a jet plane
Don’t know when I’ll be back again
       Oh babe, I hate to go

It’s Always Hard

As much as I like to travel it’s always hard to say goodbye to my loyal companion, my furry four legged baby, My Rocky-Poo. I know it sounds stupid. He’s just a cat but he’s been with me for 18 years. He trusts me and no matter what the pet haters say, I believe he loves me. Animals don’t understand. You can say you’ll be back in a week as many times as you want but they don’t understand. As Rocky has gotten older I’ve fretted more and more each time I leave. Thankfully we have a great pet sitter. She’s been taking care of Rocky for 13 years. He loves her as much as he does me.

Leaving on a Jet Plane

So Rocky-poo this one’s for you. I’m on that jet plane off for adventure but I’ll be thinking of you. I’ll miss your fuzzy body curled up next to me. I’ll miss your evening snuggles and your morning demands for breakfast. But hang in there because I’ll be back. Trust me when I tell you that you are better off at home than riding with me on my annual adventure. You’ll be pampered and fussed over while I’m away. You’ll be so spoiled you’ll never miss me. So be good little kitty. I love you bunches and will see you soon.

A Sure Sign Of Fall

New England Colors 2018

Its a Sure Sign Of Fall

Turkeys behind the office- Canton MA 2019

A sure sign that its fall in New England isn’t just the colorful foliage. Its the return of the turkeys. Some communities have reported the turkeys all year ’round but I usually see them in the fall.  How brave these birds are …or maybe stupid…to show up right before the big day. You know the one, pie, stuffing green bean casserole and oh yeah, that big bird in the middle of the table ready for carving. Do you suppose these wild birds know that we use turkeys that we grew just for the purpose of eating? 

Wild Turkeys Canton MA Oct 2019

Wild Turkeys are Mean

The wild turkeys we have around here are bold and aggressive. They have been known to trap motorists in their cars. They are either stupid or very brave as they show no fear of humans. Me, I’m kind of on the fence. I’ve been threatened by more Canada Geese than I have Turkeys. I like to photograph them. Now that I know they are back I plan to bring the good camera with me instead of relying my cell phone camera. I love when the males start strutting around, fanning their tails and displaying for all the lady turkeys.

Strange Turkey Behaviors

There was a turkey video that made it on to an Animal Planet show and I recently saw it again on “Strange Evidence”. Filmed in Randolph MA it seems to show a satanic turkey ritual. Why not? Randolph Is  only  a hop skip and jump from Salem MA. Why not a Coven of Turkeys?

Watch Out Turkeys

So all you Turkeys out there whether wild or witches BEWARE.  Turkey hunting season is upon us. Yes here in MA we can start defending ourselves on October 22. There are still some folks who prefer a wild turkey rather than domestic turkey for the center piece of their Thanksgiving table. 


Gone “Sharkin”

“Sharkin” on Cape Cod

Flash Back to Jaws (1975) when the fictional town of Amity on Martha’s Vineyard was terrorized by a great white shark.  Chief  Brody, marine biologist Hooper and shark hunter Quint took “Sharkin” to a new level as they pulled out all the stops to catch the murderous Great White. Shades of Captain Ahab and Moby Dick. Anyway, last year Cape Cod had it’s first fatal shark attack in 82 years! Everyone was horrified and as this year arrived towns along the Cape struggled to find ways to protect vacationers when they entered the shark’s domain.

The Shark App

The Atlantic Great White Conservancy created a Shark App ( There’s an app for that) that alerts when a shark is sighted and lets you know where, which beaches are closed and for how long. My app had been blowing up and I was determined to see a white shark in its natural environment. Whale watch boats reported seeing sharks feeding on a whale carcass. Sharks were stealing fish right off the lines of guests on fishing charters. Was I around when these things were happening? Of course not. I couldn’t be that lucky. So I picked a day to take off from work to go to the Cape to look for sharks. I told everyone at work I was going “Sharkin”. Of course it hadn’t rained in a week but it did that day. 

The Atlantic Great White Conservancy

My app was strangely quiet. Either the sharks didn’t like the rain or  no one was at the beach to see them. My friend Nancy and I wound up in Chatham. We planned to go to the Fish Pier for lunch and watch the seals. On the way there we spotted the Atlantic Great White Conservancy. What a neat little museum. It was pretty crowded because no one wanted to go to the beach in the rain but even though we couldn’t turn around without bumping into someone we had fun. The last room was a virtual reality room where we donned  a headset and voila- we were swimming with sharks! And we didn’t even get wet!



Beachcomber Seal Tour

We wrapped up our Cape day by visiting the seals with Beachcomber Seal Tours. We didn’t see any sharks because the tour stayed in the inner harbor and so far the sharks haven’t ventured in. The channels and low water level seem to discourage them. But there were certainly enough seals for the sharks to have a hearty lunch if they wanted to drop by. The light misty drizzle changed to serious rain while we were on the water. The captain pulled out the disposable rain capes and pretty soon our boat looked like a convention of ghosts with the breeze flapping our ponchos. Our “Sharkin” day  didn’t yield any sharks but we had a good time anyway. 

Better Late Than Never

Late is Better than Not At All

Hi Friends. I know I’ve been negligent in keeping up with my posts. To be completely honest I’ve just been tired. My energy has not bounced back since my hip surgery in December. Oh Don’t get me wrong, I’d do it again in a heartbeat. Its wonderful to be pain free, at least on my left side. Now if I could just figure out what to do about the right knee and right hip I’d be ready for the Boston Marathon. Needless to say, with this lack of energy I haven’t been out with my camera or going on any “adventures”. It’s been enough to get me to work and home again every day.  But I managed  to roust myself enough this week to go thru my photos from 2018. And that’s what I plan to share today.



The Deer Did It

Lava Lake Glow

Kilauea Lava Lake Glow- 2018

Driving home from work on Wednesday I saw 3 deer playing in a field in Easton, and they were playing, not just grazing. Seeing them I felt a  little tug. My hand reached for the camera but it wasn’t there. It made me realize how far away from things I love I’ve gotten. The reason for my surgery wasn’t just to be pain free but to give me mobility to get out and do things. And I was squandering my chance. To get back on track I decided I needed to pick up  some of my old habits. Number one is to review the photos from the previous year and narrow it down to the top 10. 

2017 Was a very Good Year

The first thing I did was to start uploading my 2018 photos. When I did I happened to notice my 2017 choices. Oh my! They were going to be hard to beat. 2017 was a very good year for my photos. For good or bad I didn’t have a lot of photos from 2018 to wade through but that didn’t make the decisions any easier.  Here, in no particular order are my top ten choices from 2018. You can see them full size in a slide show at https://dustyroadsphotos.zenfolio.com/

2018 Photographer’s Choice

Dinner in Volcano

Kilauea Lodge is in Volcano HI

How would you like to live in a place called Volcano? Seems like I’d be asking for “it”.  But just outside the park is a little town called Volcano. Tourists stop at the post office to mail cards and letters so they can have a postmark “Volcano”. Also in Volcano is the Kilauea Lodge and Restaurant. That’s where we were headed for dinner. We’d turned in our dinner choices when we made our reservations for the tour. Dusk was falling and everyone was kind of laid back after our full morning and afternoon.

Nene Spotting

That’s when I spotted the Nene. It was on the left side of the road. The rain had started again and we had on headlights and windshield wipers. I said Nene and pointed . Zane said Where? But by that time we’d gone past it and I expect it had disappeared into the woods. I think Zane was skeptical but told me if I had seen a Nene I was very lucky because they were so rare. I was certain that was what I’d seen. Next time I’ll make sure to get a photo for proof!


The Restaurant at Kilauea Lodge

Surrounded by tropical gardens, this cozy, low-key lodge in a restored summer camp is a mile from Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, 4 miles from the Thurston Lava Tube and 5 miles from the observatory on the rim of the Kilauea Volcano. We did run into a few problems with our handicapped guest. The lift on the stairs wasn’t working so Zane had to carry the wheel chair up to the porch while our guest had to slowly climb the stairs herself. Once in the restaurant the wheel chair didn’t fit in the restroom. After much maneuvering we did finally get it around the sharp corner and into the bathroom.



As for the meal, it was touted as gourmet at its finest. I guess I have a plebeian palette because I was not impressed. The steak was tough and the asparagus (one of my favorite vegetables) wasn’t just cooked al dente, it was hard and stringy. The vegetarian folks simply pushed their food around but didn’t eat it. The folks with the fish are the only ones to “clean their plates” They said the fish was excellent.

If You Go

Check out the International Fireplace of Friendship. The moment you walk into the Lodge restaurant, one of the first things that many notice is the fireplace. Centered in the dining room with a couch placed in front, you will notice this fireplace is not like most.Follow the link for the full story  https://kilauealodge.com/blog/2016/08/international-fireplace/