Lunch in The Courtyard

I was very thrilled that I managed to get out of the gondola after our ride and not fall into the canal. I was assured that they hadn’t lost a guest overboard yet that day and I didn’t want to be the first.

Decorations for the Chinese New Year were everywhere. We plan to see the Bellagio Gardens eventually but the display here at the Grand Canal Shoppes was pretty amazing.

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After taking our fill of pictures of the Year of the Sheep we headed back toward the exit.

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Since it was lunchtime we decided a good place for  lunch was in the courtyard by the canal. We hadn’t been seated very long before costumed performers took center stage. The performances were marvelous.

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It was easy to forget you were just inside a well decorated mall.

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The way the facades were lit and the ceiling reflected light, it was easy to think you were outside, canal side in Venice.

Of course you can’t forget the food. Cibo molto buono!

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Dinner on the Miracle Mile

The show we reserved for this evening, “Las Vegas the Show” didn’t start until 9:30 so we had time to find a place for dinner.

Las vegas

The show was inside the Miracle Mile Shops at Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino.  The first thing you notice is the sky or roof or…well, it’s a beautifully painted ceiling that looks like blue sky. It’s easy to forget that you are inside.


The first thing I spotted were glittery lighted columns.


They bordered the escalator which was topped by a huge disco ball that changed colors. Pretty impressive.




As we entered the Miracle Mile Shops it was like entering Disney. Do you notice a trend here? I think I said that before but really, the sky, the buildings, right out of a Disney set.


We had a free dinner at one of 3 restaurants. I picked the Italian restaurant. We were seated “outside”  but since it was play-off season flat screen TV’s were conveniently located so everyone could watch the game. Go Pats!


We had Pats fans sitting next to us but we were mindful of the “Atmosphere” and kept our cheers and fist pumps to a conservative level.


Back to the free dinner, the meal was free if you chose from a limited menu. I had the chicken Marsala and Joe had fettuccine Alfredo. (I forgot to take a picture before we ate…oops)  It was very good. But we’re sitting in a lovely restaurant in Las Vegas so of course we had a drink   and since we didn’t have to pay for dinner we could indulge in desert, well bottom line our dinner bill was bigger than if we’d paid for dinner and skipped the drinks and desert. But it was worth it.


Then it was time to wander back to wait for the show.


“Tis the Season to be Jolly”

Happy Holidays my blogging friends and followers! It a busy time of year. The Taunton Green is beautiful. They , like so many other places, used the theme of “Frozen”. I just need an evening when I’m not headed to a party or its not raining to get some pictures to share. Maybe this weekend. I don’t care if it snows. That would be pretty and fit right in with the theme  but rain would put a damper on things. 🙂


I made my deadline and got my 2014 Christmas cards out on time! I used my “Christmas House” photo from last year for this year’s card.

Christmas house

I have some ideas for next year. I just have to get time to try capture the images.

Buddy continues to destroy the little Christmas Tree. He knows it wrong because he jumps down as soon as I start toward him. I look away and he’s right back up there!

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I’ve been busier this year with holiday parties. I usually stick pretty close to home. I’ve outgrown being a “party animal” but I was invited to a “girl’s night out” for my team at work and I decided it would be fun. I wasn’t disappointed. We went to an italian restaurant in Belmont, MA called Il Casale.

Il Casale

We had a wonderful dinner. My teammate , Eileen had just come back from Italy and she said her meal was better than anything she had while she was there. My chicken parm was exquisite. They didn’t take any of the short cuts that so many restaurants do. But by far the chocolate cream puffs we had for dessert were the crowning glory of the meal.

cream puffs

That was Thursday, then on Friday we had the Redfin Holiday party. It was held on the Spirit of Boston and what a good time! Everyone was smiling and  happy, there was an awesome buffet and lots of dancing. I don’t get into the office very often as its just easier to work from home so it was really nice to see everyone.


Of course when I got home the tree had been ravished again. 🙁 I’ll have to re-string the lights this time as well as the beaded garland. But it’s all about the holidays anyway. Right?



About a week ago I saw a demonstration video on Facebook about How to Hull Fresh Strawberries. What caught my attention was the first frame, you know the one that’s like a photo until you press the arrow? It was of a woman with a knife and a bunch of mutilated strawberries with their tops cut off.


I hate to say it but it looked like the way I hull strawberries too so I pushed the arrow. After the introduction which made fun of the woman and her knife and her poor sliced up strawberries they got to the good stuff.


According to the demonstration you can perfectly hull a strawberry with a straw! They made it look so easy.


Of course I had to run right our and buy a pint of strawberries to see if it really worked.

All you do is stick the straw up the bottom of the berry. When it pops through at the top it takes the hull with it. Very easy!

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At first I didn’t hold the straw close enough to the tip and it bent but once I got the hang of it I can tell you it does work and it’s pretty quick.

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But what I like most is that you get a beautiful strawberry that you can keep whole to decorate your plate or dessert.


Barbecue Party Fun

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In spite of the annoying trek into Boston and the difficulty getting into the event, the Phantom Gourmet’s Barbecue Party was  a lot of fun. The entrance fee at the door was only $10.00 This did not include food or drink. That would have been too much to ask.

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The crowds were manageable and I didn’t see anyone intoxicated. The Beer Garden was a great place to grab a seat and watch the crowds. A DJ had the music rockin’ and the weather was perfect.

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What seemed to be a high point was a Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest. The winner gets to move on to the big contest at Coney island. Why would anyone want to do that to themselves? I couldn’t watch!

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In fact, I found that my 4 ribs from the Chicago Barbecue had me filled up completely. I wanted to try the Tennessee Barbecue.

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I’d really liked it when I was in Tennessee and I’d promised a taste of Barbecue from down under, The Aussie tent. Didn’t make that either.

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But sitting in the shade in the beer garden, listening to the music and watching the crowds was a great afternoon.

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