Happy Memorial Day Weekend

It’s Memorial Day Weekend

The three day, aka long Memorial Day Weekend, is here.  You, service men and women,  gave, not just weekends, but your sometimes your lives, so that we can have the lifestyle we enjoy today. Things would be much different if not for you and your sacrifices. Thank you. 

Memorial Day is Different this year

No More Masks! COVID restrictions are in the past!  There’s a new   level of freedom to Memorial Day after a year plus of lockdown.  Time for the Family Bar B Ques and celebrations, except mother nature isn’t cooperating.  Looks line rain in the forecast for the whole weekend  making  the unofficial start of summer  a bit of a dud. 

Are We Traveling?

The American Automobile Association (AAA) is predicting that more than 37 million people will travel at least 50 miles over the weekend, representing a 60% increase over last year.

I’d say travel this weekend is back with a vengeance. Even I had plans to dust off the camera and head out. I was thinking about going into Boston. The Flag Garden is back on the Common this year. It’s made up of 37,000 small flags  each one representing a fallen service member dating to the Revolutionary War. I think that must be an awesome sight and I’d like to have some photos of it. 

And Speaking of Traveling

Lake George, NY 2020

I am getting restless. I said I’d wait until next year but I’m not so sure about that now. Time to pull out a suitcase to get the cats used to seeing it.


Colorado is a definite and maybe Branson,  Missouri.  I think I will do a quick day trip or two to New Hampshire and maybe a long weekend to Lake George. I guess I need to get planning! Travel is back!

Some This and That and a Map

This and That

We finally had a week of nice weather. Temps in the 70’s & even 80’s. Low humidity. Sunshine and a breeze. Prefect days And I was on vacation! How did I get so lucky? So how did I spend my vacation? Did I take an exotic vacation? Did I bust out my camera and go adventuring? Nope. I sorted and cleaned and still didn’t get everything done. But I made a dent. At least now I don’t look quite so much like a participant on an episode of Hoarders.

With the nice weather I wasn’t afraid to re-pot my Thanksgiving Cactus and move it outside.

That may save it’s life. Balboa was fixated on it and pruned (chewed on it)  it every day. I started some cat grass for him and hope that by fall when I bring the cactus back inside that he’ll be over it. 


Boxes – Gone

I crushed up the Chewy boxes and dragged them out to the recycle bin. There will be more but at least for the week I got my Livingroom back. I don’t mind stepping over the boxes as long as the cats are playing with  them but when they stop – out go the boxes.


And speaking of boxes. I cleaned out my file cabinet and packed up my taxes and bank statements so I can start filing all the paper that’s piled on my desk. Hey folks, we’re in the age of digital! What ever happened to a paperless society?


I follow several consumer and travel websites. I’m still not convinced that this is a good year to travel. Restrictions are being lifted all over. Next week Massachusetts is removing all COVID restrictions. The most recent advisory that I’ve seen on domestic travel  says we’ll still need  to mask up to fly but if you are fully vaccinated that’s about the only time you’ll need a mask. You won’t need a negative COVID test either.  The exception might be Hawaii. I haven’t seen an update on their restrictions yet. 

One issue that I’m still seeing in the news is the rental car shortage. In fact I recently heard a car dealership advertising that even new car purchases are being affected by the car shortage! I’ve been hearing of rental prices of over $1000 for a 1 week rental and that wasn’t a high end luxury vehicle either. That rental was from Fort Lauderdale airport. Rental car charges are one of my biggest expenses when I travel so I’m watching that closely. As rental companies restock their inventories I’m sure those fees will come down.  Until then I’ll wait.

The Map

I finished adding photos of the states I’ve visited to the map.


There are 4 states that I’m debating about.  Years ago I went to a drum and bugle corp. competition in Allentown PA. I remember it rained and our tent leaked. It wasn’t a fun trip but still I was there. I don’t have any pictures and I don’t feel like I really got a feel for the state.  

South Carolina is another one. My brother got married in South Carolina. My sister-in-law is from Charleston  and I attended their wedding. I bet I could get a wedding picture from them to mark off South Carolina but there’s so much about that state that I want to explore that I’m reluctant to take it off the list.

#3 is Illinois. Again it’s a really old trip and it was for work. I had a week long training in Chicago. It was my first ever work trip and one of my first times on a plane.  There wasn’t much sight seeing. I was too introverted at the time and remember being kind of overwhelmed.  No pictures of that trip either.

Last but not least was my brother’s retirement from the Navy in Kenosha Wisconsin. I think I have a few pictures of my brother in his dress whites in a photo album. 

Although technically these 4 states meet my criteria I didn’t really get much sight seeing done. What do you think? Should I add a picture (google has plenty) or leave them as “still to be visited”?



My New Tool- A Travel Map

My Travel Map

I’m excited. I ran across a new way to keep track of the places I’ve been. A Travel Map! It was an impulse buy and I was prepared to hate it. I ordered it from a link on Facebook. Not the smartest thing to do but it looked really interesting. As followers of Aroundustyroads you know I periodically run through the states I been to and the ones I still need to visit. The original goal was to visit all 50 states. 

As my age has climbed and I repeat travels to my favorite states, Arizona, Nevada, Florida, Hawaii to name a few, the odds that I have enough travel years left to get to all of them  has started to work against me.  

I needed someway other than a list to keep me on track. I’m a visual person so a map seemed like a good idea, especially one I can update neatly.

The Travel Map 

On a website called thunderbunnylabs.com I found a framed map of the United States. There are other maps too but I’m concentrating on domestic travel right now. The borders of the states are raised and you add pictures from each trip.  They even provide a template for the photos and a link to Walgreens to print your pictures.  

The map came really fast. I had it in only a couple of days which certainly put my mind at ease. It wasn’t a scam. I was even happier when I opened the package and saw the map.  

Of course I had to start adding pictures right away. 

A Work in Progress

The nearest Walgreens is only half a mile away so getting the pictures printed is quick and easy. I’m finding the hard part is picking the pictures to use. Since I travel alone a lot I’m not often in pictures. I’m more likely to be behind the camera so I gave up trying to find a useable picture with me in it. Oh I have some but not enough for every state. Then I have to be sure the picture I select can be manipulated to fit in the state outline. So far I’ve added Washington State, Arizona, Florida, Maine and New York. I just sent off another batch of photos so I can add more. 

This is fun. It brings back memories and when I have all the pictures added I’ll be able to see where I still need to go at a glance. Pretty cool, huh!


Aspen Colorado

Aspen Colorado

Now there’s a familiar name.  Hearing someone say they are going to Aspen is like hearing someone say they are going to Vail. We all know what they mean. This is what google has to say about Aspen: Aspen, in Colorado’s Rocky Mountains, is a ski resort town and year-round destination for outdoor recreation. It’s also known for high-end restaurants and boutiques, ( read expensive $$$$) and landmarks like the Wheeler Opera House, built in 1889 during the area’s silver mining boom. The Wheeler-Stallard House is a local history museum set in a 19th-century, Queen Anne–style home, while the Aspen Art Museum displays contemporary artworks.

Google also says you should plan to spend around $235 per day on your vacation in Aspen, which is the average daily price based on the expenses of other visitors. Past travelers have spent, on average, $68 on meals for one day and $45 on local transportation. Also, the average hotel price in Aspen for a couple is $271. 

I can cut off the hotel cost because I will be staying in my time share.


Speaking of Time Share- Which resort is an option?

There appear to be several options for Time Share resorts. The one I like the best is Shadow Mountain Lodge at Aspen. This is what Diamond Resorts has to say about it:

Along with a great location, the resort offers a heated outdoor pool/Jacuzzi and a sauna. From late November to early April, skiing is the undisputed favorite outdoor sport. Summer in Aspen brings hiking, Jeep tours, horseback riding, and biking. Lakes, rivers, and streams offer gold-medal fly fishing, boating, and white-water rafting. Aspen also has an18-hole golf course, several tennis courts, and many cultural activities.

We knew Skiing was the top activity but it’s nice to see the other summertime options as well. 

A possible Itinerary

So what might we do on a sunny, summer Saturday in Aspen? I located a suggested Saturday action plan


Saturdays in the summertime are always jam packed with fun! Start your day at the farmer’s market and finish it by showing off your billiards skills!


8 am – 10 am

Pick up a coffee from Spring Cafe and stroll through the Aspen Saturday Market. The freshest produce goes early in the morning, so don’t delay. Also for sale are a variety of homemade jewelry, crafts, and clothing.

11 am 

Head out to the Aspen Animal Shelter, just past the Airport Business Center (ABC), and borrow a dog to take on a walk with you on the Rio Grande Trail. Afterward, enjoy lunch at the ABC. Delicious eateries include Roxy’s Market, Franck Therion Café, and Louis Swiss Pastries.

2-3 pm

SUP Northstar Preserve. Rent a SUP from one of our local outfitters and then put in at the South Gate to float the flat water and take in the stunning scenery.

7 pm

Dine al fresco on one of Aspen’s many patios. Let the children play in the fountain or at the “tooth” park on the corner of Wagner Park, where you can find clowns offering balloon animals or face painting for added entertainment.

8:30 pm

Head over to Paradise Bakery for ice cream on the corner while listening to the Aspen Music Festival Student’s play.

10 pm

You can show off your billiards skills during a game of pool at Eric’s before heading over to Bootsy Bellows to dance the night away.

Not what I would expect from a Colorado vacation but I guess it fits with the Aspen Vibe.


Granby Colorado

Good Morning Colorado Seekers

It’s finally starting to feel like spring here in southeastern Massachusetts. The mask mandate has been lifted for out door activities (small groups) and I’m fully vaccinated. Maybe I can shake this cave syndrome soon. I really need to get outside with the camera.  Of course getting myself out the door would be easier if my furry roommates would stop waking me up at unreasonable hours. At my age I can’t burn the candle at both ends!

As mandates and COVID restrictions fall around the country I am hoping that vacation will be back on my agenda for next year. I could probably go this year but will all the attractions I might want to see have opened back up? I would hate to spend that money getting there and then not be able to see many sights. Then there is the problem of the rental car shortage. I’m content with my decision to wait for 2022 before taking a travel vacation.  So let’s continue looking at Colorado for a future destination.

Granby Colorado

Next on the locations list is Granby Colorado. Granby is situated along U.S. Highway 40 in the Middle Park basin, and it is about 85 miles northwest of Denver and 14 miles southwest of Rocky Mountain National Park. Founded in 1905, the sleepy mountain town of Granby, Colorado is quickly gaining popularity as the “in” destination any time of year for vacationers with its friendly atmosphere, ideal location and climate, and close proximity to Denver.

Sapphire Resorts, Granby Co

Granby offers the ultimate Colorado Rocky Mountain experience. Here you’ll find miles of trails to traverse, rivers to fish, lakes to play in, mountains to ski, and golf courses with the most beautiful views. Not to mention Main Street, which boasts lots of restaurants and shopping options.

Places to go & Things to Do in Granby

How about a Rodeo? Granby has it’s own western rodeo .


Granby’s yearly summertime rodeo takes place at the Flying Heels Arena, south of town. A great event for the entire family, there’s always bull riding, roping, barrel racing, games for the kids, and more. Kids can even sign up to compete in mutton busting!


The Junior Rodeo starts in the afternoon, followed by the Open Rodeo in the evenings. Concessions are available so bring your appetite and help the Granby Rotary raise funds for local community programs.

Just down the road from Granby in the nearby town of Fraser, check out the High Country Stampede Rodeo. Remember Fraser? We chatted about Fraser a couple of posts ago.

Of course with Rocky Mountain National Park so close there’s hiking, horseback riding, hot air ballooning,  rafting and scenic drives. 

You get culture and entertainment with quick trip into Denver. 

A 5 Day Summer Plan

If you go I found a possible 5 day summer itinerary.

  •  Scenic Drive- acclimate to altitude- Day 1
  •  Western experience-  horseback ride and rodeo- Day 2
  • Outdoor adventure- bike or hike- Day 3
  •  Rocky Mountain Memories- Hike to Adams Falls, Visit Grand Lake- Day 4
  •  Get wet- Boating and white water rafting- Day 5