Got Kids?

Got Kids? I don’t but I “borrow” a couple every now and then when the urge to be maternal overtakes me. Well behaved kids are cute, even fun to be around. Sadly I see fewer and fewer well behaved kids when I’m out and about. Must be a sign of old age. I’m sure the same was said of my generations and we’re no worse than any other.

But I digress, I wanted to share a really cute idea. In fact I watched this amuse and entertain a bunch of kids for a whole afternoon.

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Next time your kids complain about not having anything to do don’t plunk them in front of the TV or the computer with a video game. No! Give them a potato.

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Give them some paint, pipe cleaners, paper  and plastic wheels.

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When I was a kid we cut a raw potato in half, then carved a design in the bottom. Once the carving was done we dipped the end in paint and stamped the paper. We made stars and lines and circles and all sorts of things. Tater Art!

tater stamp

Or maybe carving them like a pumpkin? But maybe you don’t want your kids to play with sharp objects. Ok then how about sticking some plastic wheels in your tater car?

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Paint it, decorate it and race it. Oh that kept the kiddie’s occupied for the whole afternoon.

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But you have to watch out for  Tater thieves. Yup! They will sneak up and make off with your precious raw material.

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Look out he’s got one! (Who said don’t play with your food?)


Smokey Mountain Shakes-N-Dawgs

I have to put in a food “plug”. After my morning owner’s meeting I headed out to drive the Gatlinburg By-Pass and find Cades Cove but first I needed some lunch.

I was looking for a place the concierge recommended. I thought they said “The 3 Bears” but I hadn’t spotted it when I saw Smokey Mountain Shakes -N- Dawgs. It had room to park so I figured I’d grab a hot dog and be on my way.



First of all they advertise that this is the  “Home of the Moonshine Dawg”. The owner was at the grill when I stepped in. As I put in my boring order for a naked  dawg with mustard I asked him to tell me what a moonshine dawg was. Of course it’s a secret family recipe. But he did say they soak the dawgs in moonshine. The moonshine infuses the dawgs with a unique flavor. He assured me the alcohol cooks off. (Sure it does). He asked me if I wanted one but I decided to pass. I had places to go and things to see.

But I did decide to indulge in a “shake”. I figured It would be a long time until dinner so I ordered a chocolate shake. They only have 1 size and it came with the straw standing straight up. MacDonald’s can’t compare. I requested a spoon because that’s the only way that shake was going to get eaten. It was awesome.


It’s a family owned business and they are real friendly folks. Seating is limited to only about 6 small tables. There’s a long list of toppings going by names like Choo Choo Dawg (beef dawg wrapped in bacon and deep fried and served with cheddar cheese on a toasted hoagie and topped with a special sauce), Super Purple Cabbage Slaw Dawg, Mac Shells -N-Cheese  Dawg and so on. The list is too long for this space.

Strawberries seem to be the desert specialty and they are fresh. The owner was ordering them by the pallet while I was having my lunch.

If you get to Gatlinburg you won’t go wrong with a stop here…103 Mills Park Rd (at the corner od highway 321 and Mills Park Rd, Gatlinburg.)

Ole Smokey Moonshine

I had to try it. I’m not much of a drinker anymore, not like in my younger , wilder days. Drinking makes me tired and leaves me with a head ache even when it’s just a little so I usually abstain. But you can’t go into the southern hills of Appalachia and not sample the moonshine. I admit I was curious.

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There’s still a difference in what is commercially available and legal and what the “old timers” brew in their homemade stills in the “hollers”. From what I was told that stuff will curl your hair. Its more than 100 proof and nothing smooth about it.

The highest proof alcohol that can be sold legally is 100 proof. At the Moonshine tasting that was where it started, at 100 proof and worked downward.

At each tasting station a bartender stood in back of a row of bottles, 2 clear and about 5 colored and a jar of maraschino cherries. As soon as you step up to the rough board bar he plops a tiny shot glass in front of you. It’s about the size of a thimble.

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We started with a 100 proof version that had been distilled 4 times. There was no aroma or bouquet to speak of even though we all lifted it up to sniff it first. It didn’t have lot of taste either but it did have heat. You toss it back and swallow, no rolling this stuff on the tongue. That heat starts in the mouth and runs down your throat until it slams into your stomach. In my case it roiled around there a bit then started spreading through the rest of me.

Almost immediately it was sample number 2. That one was also 100 proof and he called this one White Lightening. This one had only been distilled twice so it wasn’t as smooth as the first one. This one followed the trail blazed by that first mini shot and my eyes might have crossed. I liked this one. It may not have been as smooth but it had character, body. I wasn’t sure it was going to like me. But eventually it settled down.

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We now moved to the flavored versions. The bartender told us to expect something like Boonsfarm. Everyone in my group remembered Boonsfarm, that cheap apple wine we drank in college. The thought of that was enough to make me hesitant but these flavored versions are only 40 proof. The first one was Peach.

It was Peach alright and sweet! Definitely not to my taste. We moved onto the cherries. They were in a bottle of moonshine. I skipped the cherries but my tasting neighbor said that they went off like a bomb in your mouth. I’m not sure what the next few were. I think there was a blackberry and maybe a “punch bowl” but I skipped those too. I was waiting for the alleged crowd favorite..Apple Pie.

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Apple Pie tasted suspiciously like that afore mentioned  Boonsfarm. I didn’t give it very high marks. Nope my favorite had to be the 2nd kind, the 100 proof with a kick like a mule, White Lightening.  That was my choice but at $25.00 a bottle it can stay on the shelf.




Dick’s Last Resort

I’ve finally made it to the top of the street. The Skylift is closed for maintenance so that just leaves the Space Needle but I think I’ll have lunch before I take that adventure. If I get dizzy I want it to be from the height not from hunger.

The couple from Chattanooga had told me about Dick’s. They said good food, good prices. They were  on their way there when I spoke with them.  It seemed as good a choice as any so I started toward the entrance. Almost immediately a young man yelled at me. ” Stop reading the menu and come in, you’re wasting time!” I was surprised and I wasn’t reading the menu. He hopped down from the fence he was standing on, yes he was really standing on the top rail and stepped up to open the door for me. At that moment I heard a huge  “Fart”. It came from a cartoonish statue next to the door.

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Inside were long tables for family style service. A young man yelled at  me from across the room…”Hi Lady”. Soon he came bounding over with the menu. He quickly pointed out that there are only 2 food groups at Dicks’s…meat and fries and he was right, well maybe some fish.

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Everyone had these silly paper hats and he asked me if I wanted one. I’ll play along so I said sure. As he was folding the hat for me he asked me how many cats I had. That threw me for a minute because I couldn’t figure out how he knew I had cats. When I admitted I had 2 I became the cat lady for the rest of the meal. It finally dawned on me…my luggage tag on the camera bag is a picture of Rocky. Very observant, my waiter.

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So now with my silly paper hat on with the gross comment “I eat my chocolates from the kitty box” (yuck) my meal was delivered.

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I ordered the shrimp. Yes , you guessed it, fried again.  They were very good but the fries were a bit soggy. Just as well, I didn’t need all that grease.

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While I was looking around and eating my meal a couple of the waiters opened the sliding window and climbed outside. My waiter stood on the same railing that the fellow who greeted me had stood on but he tried to perform the crane move made famous by the movie Karate Kid. He seemed pleased when I recognized it.

I was about done at this point so I asked if he would take my picture with my stupid hat so I could share the fun with everyone. As he got started everyone got into the act. Dick’s is a fun, loud and raucous place to be. And yes, the name Dick’s does refer to the male anatomy..not a man’s name.

There’s Something Funny Going On

It’s been awhile since I paid a visit to the odd and strange going’s on in the news. I confess, I had a long, tough day and my mind would not function hence my desperate search for something to write  about.


So a check to my favorite “odd” site did not disappoint. The first story that caught my eye is about a bicycle theft. This just proves that thieves are not smart.

Thief steals pricey electric bike, then accidentally calls owner for help on how to recharge it.

Would you like to know the “rest of the story”? The owner ultimately got the bike back. For more details click here:–then-accidentally-calls-owner-for-help-on-how-to-recharge-it-212029453.html


 Remember I said before a trip I always start to hear about the place I’m going. Well May is right around the corner and I’ll be heading to Tennessee . So here’s another Tennessee Headline for you : Tennessee man breaks into civil rights museum, then falls asleep.I wonder if that Tennessee moonshine or the “sippin’ whiskey” had anything to do with it. The museum is in Memphis and I don’t expect to be in that area of Tennessee.


Let’s see what else I can find…. This one is right up my that is.

Indiana cat missing 5 years reunited with owner

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (AP) — A cat that went missing five years ago has been reunited with its owner in Indiana thanks to an implanted microchip.

WOWO-AM and WANE-TV report the 10-year-old cat named Charlie showed up at Fort Wayne Animal Care and Control on Monday. Workers there scanned the cat and discovered Charlie had a microchip that identified Virginia Fryback of Fort Wayne as his owner.

Fryback says Charlie disappeared from her home five years ago and she thought she’d never see him again. She thanks the veterinarian who convinced her to get a microchip when Charlie was a kitten


The last headline is for all the hungry people …

Extra crispy: French fry truck burns in Maine

WATERVILLE, Maine (AP) — Bring on the ketchup: A tractor-trailer carrying 40,000 pounds of french fries caught fire in a Wal-Mart parking lot in the Maine city of Waterville.


At least with Walmart right there ketchup would be in good supply.

Well my friends, it isn’t a pretty post but it keeps my “string” unbroken. I hope you got a chuckle out of some of these stories.