Lunchtime Key Largo

Lunchtime Key LargoLunchtime Key Largo

It’s lunchtime in Key Largo. There wasn’t any concession stand in John Pennekamp State Park but when you pay your entrance fee they give you a receipt that you can use for re-entry. I’d picked up some of the tourist guide magazines and seen ads for the Fish House Restaurant. It was less than a mile from the park. I figured I’d go there.

Outdoor Seating?Lunchtime Key Largo

I admit I was a little self conscious as my bathing suit was still damp  but the waitress told me not to worry. The seats were waterproof. There were a few tables outside so I thought I might sit there but table service was all inside. There were whimsical statues outside like a parrot, a frog, and even a fisherman.



The Menu looked Great

They had everything…conch, shrimp, scallops, oysters. They even had New England Clam Chowder! I was stumped as to what to order until I saw Florida Lobster. That was it. I knew what I wanted. The waitress said the lunch portion was smaller than the dinner portion and that was fine with me. I didn’t need a huge lunch. I placed my order and settled back to wait.

Lunchtime Key LargoThe Decor

Waiting for Lobster to cook gave me chance to look around. The ceiling was covered with strings of fish lights. Any thing under the sea was included. They even had a jelly fish lamp hanging from the ceiling. Lunchtime in Key Largo, at least at the Fish House, was a fun and colorful affair. After I finished staring at the ceiling I looked around at the walls. There were paintings and artwork of all kinds all glorifying the sea. Lunchtime Key Largo




The lobster arrived! It looked scrumptious and it turned out that it was as good as it looked. I made short work of it. That should have been enough but I’m in the Keys! You have to have Key Lime Pie when you are in the keys.  A true Key lime pie is not green. Its a very pale yellow custard. Usually it’s topped with a whipped topping but the Key Lime Pie at the Fish House was topped with meringue. So yummy! I am definitely going to come back here again before my vacation is over! Lunchtime Key Largo




Another Saturday Weigh In

It’s Weigh In day

It’s time for another Saturday weigh in. I bet you were all hoping I’d forget. Or maybe I’ve gotten sick of this weight loss stuff. Chalked it up to another failed attempt at the impossible but Noooo. I’m still plugging along. I’ll admit that this week was discouraging. I am faithfully logging my food. I’m weighing and measuring. I am making sure its healthy and low carb but my daily weigh in’s weren’t too promising. The scale and therefore my weight  has been up and down all week. Of course the only weigh in that counts is today.  Depending on what the scales tell me this morning I may have to cut out the fruit. I dropped grapes last week…too much sugar in them. That leaves apples. They have been  my go-to snack all week. I don’t think my body liked that. I figured it was better than candy but we’ll see. Here goes nothing!

Saturday Weigh in Results

Come on scale you are breaking my heart. Yesterday I was down another .4 lbs (Celebrate!) but this morning you’re back up .4 so in other words- No Change. Maybe it’s water weight. I ate fish yesterday and fish like the water right? Ok maybe that’s a stretch but this is really frustrating. Good Bye Apples. I’m going to have to give you up for now. Maybe I can bring you back next year. What can I put in for snacks to take the place of the apples? Maybe rice cakes? They worked before but they are all carbs. Dried fruit is all sugar. Ugh Got to think about this.

Next Week’s Weigh  in  is Canceled

Next Saturday you can feel safe to come by. No weigh in next week. I am going on vacation so I won’t have my scale to weigh in on. I firmly believe that weigh ins only count when they are done on the same scale.  Since I won’t be here to use my scale no weigh in will count even if I have access to another one somewhere else. Thanks for letting me vent. I’d go kick the scale but then I might break it or my toe and I don’t need to do either. 

No Change!


Dinner in Volcano

Kilauea Lodge is in Volcano HI

How would you like to live in a place called Volcano? Seems like I’d be asking for “it”.  But just outside the park is a little town called Volcano. Tourists stop at the post office to mail cards and letters so they can have a postmark “Volcano”. Also in Volcano is the Kilauea Lodge and Restaurant. That’s where we were headed for dinner. We’d turned in our dinner choices when we made our reservations for the tour. Dusk was falling and everyone was kind of laid back after our full morning and afternoon.

Nene Spotting

That’s when I spotted the Nene. It was on the left side of the road. The rain had started again and we had on headlights and windshield wipers. I said Nene and pointed . Zane said Where? But by that time we’d gone past it and I expect it had disappeared into the woods. I think Zane was skeptical but told me if I had seen a Nene I was very lucky because they were so rare. I was certain that was what I’d seen. Next time I’ll make sure to get a photo for proof!


The Restaurant at Kilauea Lodge

Surrounded by tropical gardens, this cozy, low-key lodge in a restored summer camp is a mile from Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, 4 miles from the Thurston Lava Tube and 5 miles from the observatory on the rim of the Kilauea Volcano. We did run into a few problems with our handicapped guest. The lift on the stairs wasn’t working so Zane had to carry the wheel chair up to the porch while our guest had to slowly climb the stairs herself. Once in the restaurant the wheel chair didn’t fit in the restroom. After much maneuvering we did finally get it around the sharp corner and into the bathroom.



As for the meal, it was touted as gourmet at its finest. I guess I have a plebeian palette because I was not impressed. The steak was tough and the asparagus (one of my favorite vegetables) wasn’t just cooked al dente, it was hard and stringy. The vegetarian folks simply pushed their food around but didn’t eat it. The folks with the fish are the only ones to “clean their plates” They said the fish was excellent.

If You Go

Check out the International Fireplace of Friendship. The moment you walk into the Lodge restaurant, one of the first things that many notice is the fireplace. Centered in the dining room with a couch placed in front, you will notice this fireplace is not like most.Follow the link for the full story

Hawaiian’s Love their Spam

Crispy Spam is a breakfast Meat

I admit I like Spam. When I let that out to my friends and co workers I get disgusted looks and groans. (The same one I use for Liver and Onions.) Massachusetts folks can be such food snobs! In Hawaii my love of Spam is welcomed. I’m surrounded by other Spam lovers. MacDonald’s even has a “Delicious  Breakfast”. It’s rice, scrambled eggs and Spam! I doubt you’ll see that on a menu in Massachusetts anytime soon. They also have a Spam Wrap you can find in the deli section of your food market. It’s a Spam & Rice roll. Looks like sushi. I skipped the Spam on my breakfast plate. I settled for a boring old Big Breakfast. I’m heading out to drive around the Island and I wasn’t sure if I’d find anyplace for lunch or how long it would take so I wanted to fill up before I left.

Heading North along the Kona Coast

After a satisfying breakfast at MacDonald’s I headed north on the main road along the Kona Coast. All along this road it looks like they are preparing to do construction. The ground appears to be all churned up. There is a lot of construction but don’t be fooled by appearances. Almost all of the churned up appearing land is natural. These fields are all covered in Aa (pronounced ah ah) lava. Aa lava is thick and it  breaks into chunks as it moved down slope form the volcano. When it cools and hardens it looks like churned up dirt. Much of this is from an eruption in 1984. There’s a lava tube on the right side of the road as you travel north.

Lava flow to the sea


donkey crossing signDonkey Crossing

Along the way you’ll see Donkey Crossing signs. Donkey Crossings? What’s that about. I had to check it out. Apparently the Big Island had a feral donkey problem. I didn’t remember that but it was bad enough that they installed signs hoping drivers would slow down. The donkeys liked to come out on the roads at night because the pavement was warmer than the fields. It retained the heat from the daytime. Along came an unsuspecting motorist and splat. A Donkey pancake and a busted car. When the signs didn’t help they rounded up the donkeys and shipped them to auction on the mainland. But the signs remain.

lava tube

Luaus in Hawaii


stock photo

Luau’s are everywhere in Hawaii

Luaus are to Hawaii as barbecue is to the South. I’ve been to Luaus on Oahu, The big Island and Maui. I’ve lost count of the number I’ve attended. They all have certain elements. You’ll have Kalua Pig. Its usually the center prices of the celebration. A whole pig is cooked in an underground oven called an imu. You’ll also get to taste poi, a paste made from the taro plant. Some of the other traditional foods are Lomilomi salmon, chicken and long rice. You’ll probably be served Haupia, a coconut milk based treat that’s been popular since the 1940’s for dessert.

The Luau Shows

Princess Dance

There’s a lot of pomp and tradition to the Luau shows. Some start with a procession of Hawaiian Royalty others begin with the opening of the imu. Many just begin as a stage show. No matter what the  format, all of the shows tell a story of the Islands. Different types of native dance and song are showcased. Most have a fire dancers which is always a crowd pleaser.

The Feast at Lele

I was told this Luau was different from any I’d been to before and it shouldn’t be missed. It was a sales pitch and I fell for it but  I was getting a nice discount so why not. Usually tickets are $110/head. I paid $49.00. At most luaus you are seated at long family style tables and go through a buffet line for food. Not so at the Feast of Lele. You’ll have your own table and server.

Our Band

The Band played popular ballads but they all sounded like Hawaiian music. As they started another familiar song I commented ” Here’s another traditional Hawaiian  favorite for your listening pleasure.” My tablemates thought that was quite funny.

Feast of lele dancersJourney across Polynesia

The Feast of Lele differs from other Luaus because you don’t go through a buffet line. You’ll enjoy a 5 course meal themed  by island  and delivered to your table by your server. The entertainment features the dances of the island to match your meal, Hawaii, Aotearoa – New Zealand, Tahiti, Samoa and dessert.


Let me tell you how I really feel

I fully agree that everyone should attend at least one Luau but by now my luau experiences were approaching double digits.  I love Hawaii but I am not a fan of Hawaiian food. Give me a good steak anytime.  I like the shows but after seeing as many as I’ve seen I don’t need another one. Even the fire dancer has lost it’s exotic feel. Disney includes a fire dancer in it’s Festival of the Lion King.

Fire Dance