Farewell South Beach

Well it was my last day in South Beach.  I finally got to spend a little time with my favorite cousin.  Kathy and I had lots of fun growing up but we haven’t seen too much of each other as adults.

deb and kathy

Kathy picked me up in front of my resort and we went in search of someplace to have lunch off the strip finally settling on a little deli style place where we could eat at a table in front.

My afternoon was spent packing up and roaming the strip. I ran into some of the homeless folks that I’d gotten used to meeting on my walks. I was touched and surprised when one grabbed me and hugged me and wished me well.

For my last evening I decided to treat myself to a salad and shrimp cocktail right on Ocean Drive.Shrimp-Cocktail-2-800

The shrimp looked like mini lobster tails and were delicious. I rounded out my healthful meal with one glass of chardonnay. I got sticker shock when I got the bill. After I added the tip it came to $108.00! Wow! I could eat a lot of steak in Boston for that. But it was worth it.


The next morning my cab ($40.00 including tip) picked me up on time and delivered me to the airport with time to spare.

All too soon I was winging back to the cold northeast but at least my furry roommates would be glad to see me.

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Bayside Miami

At the Bayside we were herded off the bus and led through the complex of shops, stalls and retail outlets to the marina. Before we boarded our boat for the Boat Tour we had to have our lunch.

The Tradewinds was expecting us with special menus geared to quick preparation and service. The Tradewinds is outdoor dining on a covered deck. You are protected from a passing rain shower but not from marauding sea gulls , as I was about to find out.

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I was sitting with a mother and daughter who was visiting America for the first time. We had a bit of a language barrier but there were still lots of smiles. I am not a big taco fan so I ordered the fried shrimp which came with tons of french fries. I’d just settled my plate and had a shrimp in my hand when I was dived bombed from behind. Something hit the back of my head and tumbled over my shoulder. It was a  big old seagull! (Mine, mine, mine).

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It landed right on my french fries, grabbed a beak-full and took off. Everyone at the table froze in shock and then we started to laugh.  We spent the rest of the lunch on high alert protecting our meals.The restaurant wouldn’t replace my french fries but that was ok. I only wanted the shrimp anyway.

As everyone was gathering after lunch to get ready to trek over to the boat I went in search of the parrot man we’d passed on the way in. I love these beautiful birds but could never have one as a pet myself. They would outlive me for sure but I can enjoy them when I run across these folks who share their pets (for a price).

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Time to board our boat for the views of the Islands of Biscayne Bay and the homes of Miami’s rich and famous.

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Once again we passed the “Fast & Furious” bridge. The drawbridge was open this time.

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As we slowly cruised by these beautiful homes our tour guide played the music associated with the stars, maybe a theme song from a movie or if the celeb was a musician one of their hits. He shared a snippet about each property. Everything from the price tag to the history of the ownership. It was relaxing and enjoyable although not being a big celebrity follower, I couldn’t tell you much about who owned what.

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As we headed back to the marina everyone crowed the bow for pictures of the Miami skyline.

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Meanwhile back at the Bayside some free entertainment was getting warmed up. It was time to salsa and I don’t mean on chips. I spent the rest of my afternoon there while my tour companions scattered to shop or drink.

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Eventually it was time to catch the bus back to South Beach. It was a very nice day!

The Polynesian at Christmas

After we  left the Grand Floridian we caught the next water taxi to the Polynesian Village Resort.

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The Polynesian has been undergoing a complete makeover. The swimming pool has experienced upgrades and the Bora Bora Bungalows are scheduled to open soon.


These are over – the -water accommodations just like the South Pacific but I’m getting off track.

We were just stopping there to see the decorations.

There was a modest tree in the lobby with tropical blooms.

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Nearby a Tiki carving was gathering leis and offerings.

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We had a light snack on the deck near the pool. Mine was a hot dog, an $8.59 hot dog.

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Even the snacks are expensive! A pair of ducks were begging from table to table. All of the signs said not to feed the wildlife but these guys were so tame they took  bits of food right out of your fingers.

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Refreshed we grabbed the Monorail back to Hollywood Studios. As we headed to the Mono rail I couldn’t help but think that Disney had captured the essence of Hawaii.


The Eye has it or Not!

Remember when I started this series I said “Now remember, no trip is without its pitfalls. If you keep that in mind you will be able to handle the little trials that come out of no where.”

Well Our lovely day was about to hit one of those little trials. Up until this point the Orlando Eye had been slowly turning above our heads but as we finished with the SeaLife Aquarium they announced that it was temporarily down. Trying to get any information out of the desk attendants was an exercise in futility.


We sat for a bit in the food court but pretty soon even a dedicated people watcher gets bored so we took a walk outside to see what restaurants were nearby. We might as well grab some lunch while we waited.

There wasn’t much in the “Eye” complex but we settled on the “Tin Roof”, a typical bar/pub. I can’t say it was a quiet lunch because there was construction going on and the whole side of the building was open so no sound buffering at all. The waiter was pleasant and the food plentiful. But I caught an “ear worm”. I kept hearing the B52’s sing Love Shack in my head….Tin Roof – Rusted!

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After lunch we headed back to the desk and were told the Eye was still offline and they didn’t know when it would be back online. It seems the “Eye” is down more than it’s running. From what I gathered it is something of a joke in Orlando because it is either offline or they are rescuing guests who are stuck on it.

Joe tried hard to get our money back but since we’d done 2 attractions and we’d only had to pay for 1 ticket there wasn’t much to refund. The best he could get was a promise to honor the tickets for 1 year. Of course I don’t know where we put the tickets now. I guess we’ll both have to search for them if I can get back to Orlando before the year is up.

It was time for plan B.

A Very Mickey Breakfast

Friday morning we were up bright and early. Joe had breakfast reservations for us at Trattoria on the Boardwalk.

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Joe  had eggs but rounded out his breakfast with a Mickey Waffle.


I decided to try the caramel apple pancake .  I thought it would be similar to the Big apple pancake they have a Bickfords or like I make at home with apple slices through the pancake batter but I was wrong. These were a short stack of pancakes covered in hot cinnamon apples and caramel sauce. Real good but oh so sweet.



I had hesitated about ordering a Mickey Waffle as I was afraid it would be too many carbs but I was glad for it as it cut the sweetness of the pancakes. Besides, calories don’t count on vacation, right?

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It was fun breakfast.

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After we ate we wandered through the Boardwalk shops and lobbies checking out those decorations and taking pictures.

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I think the elaborate chandelier was the best.

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Our plan was to spend the morning that way and then go to the Orlando Eye. Joe had coupons for combo tickets, buy a ticket for all 3 attractions, Madam Tussaud’s, Sealife and The Eye and get a 2nd ticket free. We did it online and it worked so soon it was time to head to downtown Orlando.

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